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8th Grade Interactive Math Skill Builders


Map Skills - CCSS RH.6-8.7

Links verified on 05/25/2024

1. Ancient Egypt: The Old Kingdom.

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Use visual information (e.g., in charts, graphs, photographs, videos, or maps) with other information in print and digital texts to answer questions. SEE MORE
2. Ancient River Civilizations: Achievements and Legacy.

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Use the information to compare ancient river civilizations. SEE MORE
3. Distance and Direction on Maps.

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Each map is at a different scale and expresses the scale in a different form: bar scale, statement of equivalency and representative fraction. SEE MORE
4. Gradient Quiz.

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Use the scale on a map to understand gradient.  SEE MORE
5. Labeling Contours Quiz.

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Use data from a map to determine contours.  SEE MORE
6. Latitude and Longitude Quiz.

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Find the latitude and longitude on selected points on a globe in this online quiz that checks answers. SEE MORE
7. Map Reading Activities.

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Practice reading maps using compasses, latitude, longitude and more with available printouts. SEE MORE
8. Map Skills Quiz.

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Take this quiz to test your knowledge of reading maps. SEE MORE
9. Menus of Topics and Quizzes.

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An index of topics and indexes on maps, offered by David J. Leveson at CUNY in Brooklyn, NY. SEE MORE
10. Quiz on Degrees and Minutes.

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A part of understanding map scale is understanding degrees and minutes. This quiz covers degrees, minutes, and seconds.  SEE MORE
11. The Legislative Branch.

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Use visual information (e.g., in charts, graphs, photographs, videos, or maps) with other information in print and digital texts. Immediate feedback. SEE MORE
12. The Neolithic Period.

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Integrate visual information with other information in print and digital texts to answer questions. SEE MORE

Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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