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6th Grade Interactive Language Arts Skill Builders


Nouns or Pronouns - CCSS L.6.1.a, L.6.1.b, L.6.1.c, L.6.1.d

Links verified on 08/26/2024

1. Abstract or Concrete Nouns.

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Identify the types of nouns in this quiz: abstract or concrete. SEE MORE
2. Antecedents.

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Identify all of the possible antecedents. In each sentence the pronoun in bold is not vague. select the clear antecedent. SEE MORE
3. Grammar Gorillas.

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Advanced Level - Practice identifying all parts of speech. SEE MORE
4. Incorrect Pronouns Quiz.

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Find the correct inappropriate shifts in pronoun number and type it correctly.  SEE MORE
5. Nouns/Pronouns 6th grade.

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Jeopardy Style Review Game. SEE MORE
6. Parts of Speech Quiz.

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Decide what parts of speech should be used to fill out the blanks.  SEE MORE
7. Parts of Speech Quiz.

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Identify the part of speech of the highlighted word in each of the sentences.  SEE MORE
8. Plural & Possessive Nouns (Quiz).

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Identify and correct errors with plural and possessive nouns. Find the plural or possessive error, select it and type it correctly. SEE MORE
9. Pronoun Case.

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6 exercises in the practice of this skill with accompanying handouts.  SEE MORE
10. Pronoun Test Review.

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Multiple choice test review on pronouns. SEE MORE
11. Pronoun Whack-a-Mole.

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Moles appear one at a time, hit only the correct ones to win. SEE MORE
12. Subject & Object Pronoun.

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A cloze activity where you drag and drop words into blank spaces within a text to complete the sentence. SEE MORE

Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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