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7th Grade Interactive Math Skill Builders


Patterns - CCSS 5.OA.B.3, 8.SP.A.4, Mathematical Practices

Links verified on 03/27/2023

1. Balloon Pop Math (Patterns).

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Complete the number patterns in a fun way with this Balloon Pop game! SEE MORE
2. Division Patterns with Zeroes.

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Complete the pattern found in given division problems. SEE MORE
3. Generating Number Patterns.

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In this lesson you will learn how to describe, extend, and make generalizations about numeric patterns. (Includes a 3 page practice) SEE MORE
4. Graphing Patterns on Coordinate Plane.

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Lessons provided by Khan Academy. SEE MORE
5. Investigate the Game of Paper Pool.

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This activity from Illuminations, the NCTM site is no longer interactive but a 17 page pdf of the game is now available. Includes record sheets for the investigations.  SEE MORE
6. Number Cracker.

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Help Mr. Cracker complete the number pattern! Guess what number comes next in a series of numbers. If you guess incorrectly, Prof. Soup will get closer to catching Mr. Cracker! (Four levels)  SEE MORE
7. Patterns in Geometry.

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Five question self-checking multiple-choice quiz from Glencoe Mathematics.  SEE MORE
8. Patterns of Equivalent Fractions.

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This activity requires students to identify the numerator or denominator in a pattern of fractions. SEE MORE
9. Spy Guys Interactive - Summarizing/Extending Patterns.

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Watch the video and respond at various places. This video includes sections which ask students to inpur responses  SEE MORE
10. Writing Rules for Patterns.

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Five question self-checking multiple-choice quiz from Glencoe Mathematics.  SEE MORE

Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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