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6th Grade Interactive Math Skill Builders


Ratio and Proportion Quizzes - CCSS 6.RP.A.1, 6.RP.A.2, 6.RP.A.3, 6.RP.A.3.A

Links verified on 05/30/2024

1. 6th Grade Math Ratios and Rates Quizzes.

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Every student should try a ratio and rates quiz to check their knowledge of comparing two things and calculations related to ratios and rates.  SEE MORE
2. 6th Grade Proportion/Ratios.

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20 question quiz from Quizizz. (A "free" account is required.) SEE MORE
3. 6th Grade Proportions/Ratios.

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The purpose of this quiz is to test your progress and understanding of ratios, rates & proportions. Choose the BEST answer for each question. SEE MORE
4. Math Quiz For Grade 6 Ratio & Proportion.

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Read this short story to help you understand more about Ratio & Proportions. Then answer the given math questions to unlock a special gift at the end! SEE MORE
5. Practice Test on Ratio and Proportion.

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This 20 question test on ratio and proportion encourages the students to practice the questions given. (Not interactive) The questions are mainly related to the simplification of ratio to its lowest terms, continued proportion and also word problems on ratio and proportion. Answer follow immediately after the questions. SEE MORE
6. Proportion Quiz.

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Solve the proportion. SEE MORE
7. Rags to Riches: Ratio and Proportion Quiz.

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A Quia quiz. Select the best answer for each question.  SEE MORE
8. Rates, Ratios, and Proportions.

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A one or two-player Quia Jeopardy style game. SEE MORE
9. Ratio & Proportion-6th grade.

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Test your understanding of ratio and proportion. There are nine multiple-choice questions. Explore the site with a free account through Google, email, Microsoft, Apple among others. SEE MORE
10. Ratio And Proportions 6th Grade.

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Ten question test. Answer all questions to get your test results. You are able to play games with the questions when completed. SEE MORE
11. Ratio Quiz.

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A SoftSchool.com quiz that requires you to answer questions based on the ratio of the information given.  SEE MORE
12. Ratio Quizzes.

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Over seven quizzes available. Scroll down to the ratio heading on the right side. SEE MORE
13. Ratios.

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Choose the best answer to each multiple choice question from Math Games. SEE MORE
14. Reduce Ratios to Lowest Terms.

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A quiz on reducing ratios (although they call it a game). Reduce answer to lowest terms! Use the format A:B. SEE MORE
15. Unit 10: Ratio and proportion.

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This unit is from Khan Academy. It includes video lessons, opportunity to practice the skill and a unit test to check for understanding. SEE MORE

Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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