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7th Grade Interactive Language Arts Skill Builders


Reading Comprehension - CCSS RL.7.10

Links verified on 06/28/2022

1. Amelia Earhart Reading Comprehension - Online.

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This resource includes a historical passage and ten multiple choice questions. It gives immediate feedback. PASSAGE LENGTH = 906 words; LEXILE = 1010 SEE MORE
2. Battles of Lexington and Concord Reading Comprehension - Online.

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This resource includes a historical passage and ten multiple choice questions. It gives immediate feedback. In addition, when you click the "listen" button, you can hear the passage while it highlights the text. (PASSAGE LENGTH = 482 words; LEXILE = 1210)  SEE MORE
3. Behind the Scenes of the Boston Tea Party Reading Comprehension - Online.

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This resource includes a historical passage and seven multiple choice questions. It gives immediate feedback. (PASSAGE LENGTH = 416 words; LEXILE = 1210) SEE MORE
4. Comprehension Through Context Clues.

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Select reading for understanding and then choose a skill level.  SEE MORE
5. English Learning Resources.

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Use this free EFL site to practice reading comprehension.  SEE MORE
6. Parts of a Newspaper.

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In this lesson you will: find what you're looking for in a newspaper, read headlines to predict what articles will be about and where you will find them in the paper, and match pictures with the right captions. SEE MORE
7. Reading Charts and Graphs.

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In this lesson you will practice visual literacy skills by reading bar graphs, pie charts, and grid charts, reviewing percentages in pie charts, and comparing types of information shown in different kinds of charts. SEE MORE
8. Reading Comprehension Online Quizzes.

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(Ignore the foreign characters, this is the right page) Choose a lesson from the left frame and then take the test. Score is instant. If needed, a practice is provided. SEE MORE
9. Reading Comprehension stories I.

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Interactive quizzes for 7 stories - Each text is followed by a grammar exercise and summary writing exercise. SEE MORE
10. Reading Comprehension stories II.

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Interactive quizzes for 12 stories. There are also quizzes on sequencing summarization of each story.  SEE MORE
11. Reading Medicine Labels.

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In this lesson you will: practice reading medicine labels for information about active ingredients, practice reading medicine labels for information about proper usage, and study vocabulary used to describe symptoms, dosages and types of drugs. SEE MORE
12. Reading the Fine Print.

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Students read advertisements to practice critical thinking and reading comprehension.  SEE MORE
13. Scanning for Specifics.

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In this lesson you will: scan information by picking out key words, practice scanning, rather than reading every word, and use your scanning skills to find information from a chart. SEE MORE
14. Science in the News.

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In this lesson you will: review vocabulary related to science, read articles and answer comprehension questions, and choose the best word to complete sentences from news stories. SEE MORE
15. Strategies for Better Reading.

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By reading between the lines you can discover meaning not stated by the author.  SEE MORE
16. The Battle of Gettysburg Day Two - Reading Comprehension - Online.

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This activity includes a reading passage and seven multiple choice questions. It gives immediate feedback and a detail score report. (PASSAGE LENGTH = 605 Words; LEXILE = 1410)  SEE MORE
17. Truth in Advertising.

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Students read advertisements and evaluate the type of persuasive writing being employed.  SEE MORE
18. Using Context Clues.

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In this lesson you will: use the context to figure out new words, practice using context clues, and define words in sentences. SEE MORE

Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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