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8th Grade Interactive Math Skill Builders


Real World Problems - CCSS 8.EEA.4

Links verified on 06/28/2024

1. Figure This!

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This site has about 80 different Challenges that you can choose based on mathematical skill set necessary. SEE MORE
2. Lemonade Stand.

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You have 7, 14, or 30 days to make as much money as possible. You will have complete control over pricing, quality, inventory, and supplies. Use the right recipe, consider the weather and customer satisfaction. At the end of your allotted days you will see how much money you made. (Free version includes ads.) SEE MORE
3. Math-Kitecture.

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Math-Kitecture has a number of activities, including "Floor Plan your Classroom," which offer engaging ways for students to study mathematics by doing real-life architecture. Students learn estimation, measuring skills, proportion, and ratios by hand-drafting a floor plan of their classroom to scale. They then use existing classroom software to create a computer-aided design (CAD) version. SEE MORE
4. Real World Math - Measurement.

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These lessons will go beyond the simple measurement of point A to point B and demonstrate how linear measure can be applicable to real world problems. The ruler tool in Google Earth can measure distances in centimeters, yards, miles, and other units. You'll need to use it in a variety of situations. SEE MORE
5. Real World Math Activities.

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These 11 real world math activities that engage students can bridge the gap between abstract math concepts and real life experience, making the subject accessible and relevant for kids.  SEE MORE
6. Real-World Holiday Activities.

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This site provide 13 winter holiday ideas that are engaging real-world math activities. Included are videos and worksheets. SEE MORE
7. Sales Tax Game.

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Learn how to find the sales tax of different items. For each problem, click on the correct denominations in the cash drawer so that they add up to the sales tax. SEE MORE
8. Scale City | Proportional Relationships Among Time, Distance, and Speed.

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Compare the speed of the racehorse Man o’ War to other famous racehorses, a cheetah, a track star, and a middle school student. Discover the direct proportional relationship between distance traveled in a set time and speed, and the inverse proportional relationship between speed and the time it takes to travel a set distance. SEE MORE
9. Shopping Mall.

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Click to unlock stores and make as much money as possible. Choose kiosks wisely. Open a row of stores to increase shoppers.  SEE MORE
10. Walk The Plank.

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This investigation leads to a real world occurrence of negative slope, examples of which are often hard to find. (Includes activity sheet.) SEE MORE
11. Word Problems for Kids.

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Word problems with hints and answers provided.  SEE MORE
12. Yummy Math.

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Quality math activities from real life, organized into categories such as math and social studies, geometry, data and probability, holidays and annual events, food, sports, number sense, etc. Available as PDF and DOC files. The activities are free but answers are available only to subscribers. SEE MORE

Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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