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6th Grade Interactive Language Arts Skill Builders


Sentence Structure - CCSS L.6.1, L.6.2, L.6.3

Links verified on 01/27/2022

1. Compound Complex Sentences.

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Decide, after reading each sentence, whether the sentences are simple, compound, complex, or compound-complex.  SEE MORE
2. Quiz on Sentence Types.

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After each sentence, select the option that best describes that sentence. Definitions of types of sentences and clauses are available. When you click on "Submit Application" at the end of the quiz, the computer will return your scored quiz. An explanation of each answer will be attached, whether your response is correct or not. SEE MORE
3. Quizizz: Types of Sentences.

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Identify the type of sentence in this quiz. Questions as flashcards are also available. (simple sentences, compound sentences, complex sentences or compound-complex sentences) 35 questions SEE MORE
4. Rags to Riches Sentence Structure Practice Game.

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Practice identifying simple, compound, complex, and compound / Complex sentences.  SEE MORE
5. Sentence Structure Lesson.

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Are you ready to learn about sentence structure? Start with this lesson from Grammar Revolution, includes a video. (Review and a quiz(pdf) link available near the end of the lesson. SEE MORE
6. Sentence Structure Quiz.

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You can do this quiz from English Club Grammar online or print it on paper. It covers grammar explained on the Sentence Structure page. SEE MORE
7. Sentence Type Identification Quiz.

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Read the sentences on the right, and click to identify their type. (25 questions) SEE MORE
8. Sentence Type Quiz.

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For each sentence, choose the correct sentence type. (Simple sentences, compound sentences, complex sentences, or compound-complex sentences)  SEE MORE
9. Simple, Compound or Complex?

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Is the sentence simple, compound, or complex?  SEE MORE
10. Verb Phrases.

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Identify the complete verb phrase in each sentence. Quia quiz. Scores are kept.  SEE MORE

Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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