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Kindergarten Interactive Math Skill Builders


Shapes - CCSS K.G.A.2, K.G.A.3

An adult might need to read instructions to Kindergarten students for the activities below

Links verified on 06/06/2019

1. Ask Hannah.

Click Image to Enlarge

(Reading skills required) Describe symmetry in two-dimensional shapes.  SEE MORE
2. I Spy Shapes.

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Locate triangles, circles, and squares in a set of pictures. SEE MORE
3. Kinderweb Shape Game.

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Identify the shape. This site has audio so children can work at their own pace independently.  SEE MORE
4. Loading Shapes.

Click Image to Enlarge

Drag the object that has the same shape to the truck. SEE MORE
5. MatchingToy Shapes.

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Drag the toys to their matching shapes on a shelf.  SEE MORE
6. Mr. Mumble.

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(Reading skills required) Take a look at how Murphy helps to describe two-dimensional shapes.  SEE MORE
7. Oh Say, Can You See The Shapes?

Click Image to Enlarge

Help President Elmo find the shapes in each picture.  SEE MORE
8. Oochy Goes to the Fair.

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Help Oochy match shapes. Click on the shape that matches the shape on the sign! SEE MORE
9. Put It on the Shelf.

Click Image to Enlarge

Replace the question mark with the shape that matches the outline below. SEE MORE
10. Shape Sorter.

Click Image to Enlarge

Click and drag the shape on the correct match. SEE MORE
11. Shapes and Colors.

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Click on a shape, then click on a color. The words appear at the bottom. (No audio) SEE MORE
12. Stacking Up.

Click Image to Enlarge

Quickly match the shapes. SEE MORE

Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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