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8th Grade Interactive Language Arts Skill Builders


Verbs - CCSS L.8.1.a, L.8.1.b, L.8.1.c, L.8.1.d

Links verified on 12/19/2023

1. 8th & 7th Grade Verbs Quiz.

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A verb quiz. SEE MORE
2. Active & Passive Voice.

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Identifying sentences in passive or active voice. SEE MORE
3. Alter the Verb Tense.

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Type the answer to the question in the box and click the "Next" button. SEE MORE
4. Complete Verb Phrases #2.

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Identify the complete verb phrase in each sentence.  SEE MORE
5. Complete Verb Phrases.

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Identify the complete verb phrase in each sentence.  SEE MORE
6. Gerunds and Their Functions.

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Select the gerund or gerund phrase. SEE MORE
7. Gerunds, Participles, and Infinitives.

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Includes a lesson and a chance to practice what is learned. SEE MORE
8. Identifying Verbs.

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Read each sentence and type the word(s) that is the verb of the sentence in the space provided. SEE MORE
9. Irregular English Verbs.

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Learn the past tense of irregular English verbs with this Jeopardy type game for two players. SEE MORE
10. Irregular Verbs.

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Six exercises in the practice of this skill with an accompanying printable handout to keep track of your answers. SEE MORE
11. Linking Verbs and Action Verbs.

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Type the answer to each question in the box provided. SEE MORE
12. Linking Verbs.

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Identify whether the underlined verb is used as a linking verb. SEE MORE
13. Practicing the Be Verb.

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Type the correct verb form for each question. SEE MORE
14. Recognizing Verb Tenses.

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Name the verb tense given in each sentence. SEE MORE
15. Shift in Verb Tenses (Appropriate & Inappropriate).

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Identify and correct inappropriate shifts in verb tense. SEE MORE
16. Transitive and Intransitive Verbs.

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Identifying transitive and intransitive verbs. SEE MORE
17. Verb Tense Challenge.

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Students must correctly select simple present, simple past, present progressive, past progressive, and future verbs. SEE MORE
18. Verb Tenses.

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Identify whether the highlighted verb or compound verb is formed correctly. SEE MORE
19. What Is a Gerund?

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Gerund Definition and Examples SEE MORE

Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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