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6th Grade Interactive Language Arts Skill Builders


Verbs - CCSS L.6.1

Links verified on 11/19/2023

1. 6th Grade Verb Practice.

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Verb practice with 10 multiple choice questions. SEE MORE
2. Be.

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Verb usage online quiz. Type the correct verb form for each question.  SEE MORE
3. Grammar Bytes - Subject-Verb Agreement.

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6 exercises in the practice of this skill, interactive with handouts. SEE MORE
4. Grammar Bytes Irregular Verbs.

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6 exercises in the practice of this skill, interactive with accompanying handouts.  SEE MORE
5. Grammar Gorillas.

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Our friends, the Grammar Gorillas, need help identifying parts of speech. If you click on the right word in the sentence, our friends get a banana. Two levels: Advanced level (all parts of speech) and Beginner (nouns and verbs only)- Practice identifying all parts of speech or nouns and verbs. SEE MORE
6. Identifying Verbs (Khan Academy).

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5 review problems. Identify the verb in each sentence. SEE MORE
7. Irregular Past Tense Verbs.

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Find the past tense of the word in the puzzle. SEE MORE
8. Irregular Verbs Challenge Board.

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Learn the past tense of irregular English verbs with this Quia Jeopardy type game for two players.  SEE MORE
9. Linking Verbs.

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Identify whether the underlined verb is used as a linking verb. SEE MORE
10. Modal Verb.

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Completing a sentence with the correct modal verb. SEE MORE
11. Parts of Speech.

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Decide what parts of speech should be used to fill in the blanks.  SEE MORE
12. Progressive Verb Tenses.

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Complete the sentence with the correct helping verb or verbs. SEE MORE
13. Verb and Preposition Combinations III.

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A quiz from the English-Zone. Choose the correct words to complete the sentence. SEE MORE
14. Verb Phrases.

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Identify the complete verb phrase in each sentence. From Quia.  SEE MORE
15. Verb Tenses.

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Identify whether the highlighted verb or compound verb is formed correctly in the sentence. SEE MORE

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