7th Grade Language Arts Skills
Prior Standards Implementation
The standards listed below have been replaced by a newer set of standards.
Please go to Current 7th Grade Language Arts Standards for current resources.
Reading - Links to prior reading skills standards (e.g. analyze effects of sound). Comprehension - Links to prior reading standards (e.g. make predictions about outcome of passage, identify main idea/central element in a reading selection). Writing - Links to prior writing skills standards (e.g. identify purpose for writing, supply missing piece of information in an outline). Elements of Language- Links to prior language skills standards (e.g. read
passage and edit errors, recognizing errors occurring in context).
Return to Grade Level Help.
Great Sites for all Ages:
Literature Learning Ladders - This site encourages active reading through book-technology connections, by exploring some online resources related to literacy, themes, literature circles, technology, and learning. Learning Ladders features WebQuests, Newberrys and the Net, Caldecott Connections e-books, graphic novels and popular children's literature.
Guide to Grammar and Writing - Writing Resources for Words, Sentences, Paragraphs, Essays and Research Papers. Also contains "Ask Grammar", Quizzes, and PowerPoints to help explain the rules of Grammar.
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