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Standards listed on this page are from Texas Language Arts Knowledge & Skills - Kindergarten
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Page last edited 5/9/2009
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A resource for the teacher to use in planning their lessons a site for teachers | A PowerPoint show related to this standard a PowerPoint show | An Adobe Acrobat document in .pdf format Adobe Acrobat document | A Microsoft Word document to be downloaded a Word document
This resource includes voice instructions for students sound | A video is available through this link video format
| Interactive interactive lesson | This site includes questions for your students to check their understanding a quiz | A lesson plan can be found at this site lesson plan | This link includes something for the teacher to print to print

(1)   Purposes - The student listens attentively and engages actively in a variety of oral language experiences.

(A)  determine the purpose(s) for listening such as to get information, to solve problems, and to enjoy and appreciate

(B)  respond appropriately and courteously to directions and questions
(C)  participate in rhymes, songs, conversations, and discussions
  1. Animal Muddle - Listen to Foxy Dancer's animal rhyme at The Little Animals Activity Centre. Interactive
    1. When students have finished they can print the entire rhyme.
  2. Concentration-style matching game from Quia - 8 pairs of rhyming words to match
  3. Name that Children's Tune
  4. Rhymes - from Little Animals Activity Centre - Digby Mole's Word games (choose level 1, 2, or 3) Interactive
  5. Rhyme Time - match the word with the image it rhymes with Interactive
  6. Rhyming Words Activity with pictures created by children. This is really a cute site.
  7. Rhyming Words - many choices to select from - Click on the word that rhymes with the picture Interactive
  8. Songs and poems for many theme areas in addition to fingerplays.
  9. Songs for Learning - from KIDiddles - also look at KIDiddles Musical Mouseum
  10. Songs for Teaching - stick with the links to Lyrics, that's free but everything else is for sale
  11. Teachers, take a look at music related links from Internet4Classrooms
(D)  listen critically to interpret and evaluate
  1. Kids Club Stories [These stories all open in a new window, close the window to return to this list]
    1. Country Mouse and City Mouse - this story will read itself to you. After students are familiar with the story, you can use a version that asks your students to do the reading.
    2. Mother Bear Bakes Bread - this story will read itself to you. After students are familiar with the story, you can use a version that asks your students to do the reading.
    3. The Fox and the Crow - this story will read itself to you. After students are familiar with the story, you can use a version that asks your students to do the reading.
    4. The Mouse and the Lion - this story will read itself to you. After students are familiar with the story, you can use a version that asks your students to do the reading.
    5. The Three Bears - this story will read itself to you. After students are familiar with the story, you can use a version that asks your students to do the reading.
    6. The Three Billy Goats Gruff - this story will read itself to you. After students are familiar with the story, you can use a version that asks your students to do the reading.
    7. Other stories rom Kids Club - Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3
  2. Songs and poems for many theme areas in addition to fingerplays.
(E)  listen responsively to stories and other texts read aloud, including selections from classic and contemporary works
  1. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll - A twelve-chapter performance in RealAudio by the Wired for Books Players
  2. Cinderella 26 min (MP3 format) - read the story yourself
  3. The Emperor's New Clothes 12 min (MP# format) - read the story yourself
  4. How the Leopard Got His Spots 12 min (MP3 format) - read the story yourself
  5. The Light Princess 92 min (MP3 format) - read the story yourself
  6. Little Animals Activity Center - (4-8 year-olds) Audio stories from BBC with interactive participation. This is a British site and the language pronunciation and meanings may seem strange at times.
  7. The Little Mermaid 51 min (MP3 format) - read the story yourself
  8. Reading Lounge -"Three children's books are animated online, with readings and/or introductions by a variety of players and Spike Lee. Students love to see their favorite Knicks players read aloud to them, and they can also read along with the narrator in the captioned version"
  9. The Story of Snow White 20 min (MP3 format) - read the story yourself
  10. Other Audio Stories
  11. Other stories for children - look for stories with the audio icon
(F)  identify the musical elements of literary language such as its rhymes or repeated sounds
  1. Animal Muddle - Listen to Foxy Dancer's animal rhyme at The Little Animals Activity Centre. Interactive
    1. When students have finished they can print the entire rhyme.
  2. Concentration-style matching game from Quia - 8 pairs of rhyming words to match Interactive
  3. Rhymes - from Little Animals Activity Centre - Digby Mole's Word games (choose level 1, 2, or 3) Interactive
  4. Rhyme Time - match the word with the image it rhymes with Interactive
  5. Rhyming Words Activity with pictures created by children. This is really a cute site.
  6. Rhyming Words - Many choices to select from. Click on the word that rhymes with the picture - Audio help is given. Interactive

(2)  Culture - The student listens and speaks to gain knowledge of his/her own culture, the culture of others, and the common elements of cultures.

(A)  connect experiences and ideas with those of others through speaking and listening

(B)  compare language and oral traditions (family stories) that reflect customs, regions, and cultures

(3)  Audiences/Oral Grammar - The student speaks appropriately to different audiences for different purposes and occasions.

(A)  choose and adapt spoken language appropriate to the audience, purpose, and occasion, including use of appropriate volume and rate

(B)  use verbal and nonverbal communication in effective ways when making announcements, giving directions, or making introductions
(C)  ask and answer relevant questions and make contributions in small or large group discussions
(D)  present dramatic interpretations of experiences, stories, poems, or plays
(E)  gain increasing control of grammar when speaking such as using subject-verb agreement, complete sentences, and correct tense

(4)  Communication - The student communicates clearly by putting thoughts and feelings into spoken words.

(A)  learn the vocabulary of school such as numbers, shapes, colors, directions, and categories

  1. Choose Color Words - Match the crayon color and name to the color of the animal Interactive
  2. Five Hungry Crocodiles - Each make a wish. You will help them by clicking on the matching color. Interactive
  3. Fuzzy Lion Ears- Find the missing letter and click on it You'll find partially-written words with accompanying pictures. As Leona presents each one, she'll say the word. Choose from three different letters to make the word. Click on the blue arrow to get started. Interactive
    1. Other Fuzzy Lion Ears Games: Round 1, Round 2, Round 3, Round 4, Round 5, Round 6 Interactive
  4. Memory Cards - Find matching pictures of the sun, moon, stars and comets. [concentration style game] Interactive
  5. Memory Cards - Find matching pictures of colorful bugs. [concentration style game] Interactive
  6. Memory Cards - Find matching pictures of apples, pears, grapes, and peaches. [concentration style game] Interactive
  7. Sounding out Words - Match the word with the picture. Many, many selections Interactive
  8. Word Drop - Complete the sentences with words that you use every day. Interactive
(B)  use vocabulary to describe clearly ideas, feelings, and experiences
(C)  clarify and support spoken messages using appropriate props such as objects, pictures, or charts
(D)  retell a spoken message by summarizing or clarifying
  1. Can You Follow Directions? - Tina will give you directions. Click on the pictures in the correct order. Interactive
  2. Listen and Follow Directions - Spatial Concepts activity. Good whole class activity and then center activity. Interactive
  3. Rapid Naming - How fast can you name an object, a letter, a color, a number? Get your hand on the mouse and get ready! Shockwave needed. A letter is named and you must find it and click it with your mouse. This game is excellent for practicing colors, numbers and letters. Interactive

(5)   Print Awareness - The student demonstrates knowledge of concepts of print.

(A)  recognize that print represents spoken language and conveys meaning such as his/her own name and signs such as Exit and Danger

  1. Safety - [both of these links open in a new window] this story will read itself to you. After students are familiar with the story, you can use a version that asks your students to do the reading. Interactive
  2. Bike Safety - If you will be riding your bike or in-line skating by the side of a road, you will need to know what these traffic signs and signals mean
  3. Bus Safety and School-Zone Safety Signs - from the NYS Department of Motor Vehicles Governor's Traffic Safety Committee
  4. Railroad Safety - Use Caution When Crossing Railroad Tracks
  5. Safe Walking for Kids - What about crossing the street? In some areas there are signs, signals and roadway markings to help you cross safely.
  6. Sign Quiz - select a sign shape and match it with the correct color
  7. Traffic Signs - Shapes of Traffic Signs - Colors of Traffic Signs - Warning Signs - Bicycle Signs - Highway Signs
(B)  know that print moves left-to-right across the page and top-to-bottom
(C)  understand that written words are separated by spaces
(D)  know the difference between individual letters and printed words
(E)  know the difference between capital and lowercase letters
  1. ABCow - Fill in the missing letters of the alphabet the cows have been eating! This is a keyboard exercise. The mouse is not used to select the letter. This resource includes voice instructions for students This site is interactive and allows students to play a game or input or collect data [this expired page is from the Internet Archive known as the Wayback Machine]
  2. Alphabet Letter Match - Match lower case with upper case letters. Interactive
  3. Alphabet Match - Match capital to small letter. Find the Mommy (or Daddy) Kangaroo for each joey. Interactive
  4. Alphabet Word Match - Match lower case word with upper case word. Interactive
  5. Letter Recognition - ten questions, capital and lowercase letters, only part of the alphabet, find the missing letter
  6. Letter Recognition - ten questions, capital and lowercase letters, all of the alphabet, find the missing letter
  7. Memory Match - Match capital to small letters in the concentration game style to reveal a surprise picture. As matches are made they are reinforced on a chalkboard, writing down the matches so the student can go back and read the matches later. [concentration style game] Interactive
  8. Writing the Alphabet - Zaner-Bloser letters, showing student how to form letters, capital and small with tablet line placement. Scroll to the bottom of this page to find the Writing the Alphabet link. Click on the word Play. Interactive
(F)  recognize how readers use capitalization and punctuation to comprehend
(G)  understand that spoken words are represented in written language by specific sequences of letters
(H)  recognize that different parts of a book such as cover, title page, and table of contents offer information
  1. Explore the parts of a book - Click on each of the pictures on this page to learn more about that part of the book. Then go to Who Am I to see how much you know!
  2. Make Your Own Book - (a ThinkQuest site) There are many fabulous books that you can make all by yourself. Let your imagination run wild with some simple, step-by-step instructions, with illustrations, to show you how to make some very creative and very fun books!
  3. Make Your Own Book - (from Enchanted Learning) This activity teaches the student the structure of book and helps them organize their thoughts and writing.
  4. Using the Parts of a Book - a worksheet from Teach-nology
  5. Using an Index for Information - a worksheet from Teach-nology
  6. Using a Table of Contents - a worksheet from Teach-nology

(6)  Phonological Awareness - The student orally demonstrates an understanding that spoken language is composed of sequences of sounds.

(A)  demonstrate the concept of word by dividing spoken sentences into individual words

(B)  identify, segment, and combine syllables within spoken words such as by clapping syllables and moving manipulatives to represent syllables in words
(C)  produce rhyming words and distinguish rhyming words from non-rhyming words
(D)  identify and isolate the initial and final sound of a spoken word
(E)  blend sounds to make spoken words such as moving manipulatives to blend phonemes in a spoken word
(F)  segment one-syllable spoken words into individual phonemes, clearly producing beginning, medial, and final sounds
  1. Beginning Letters - ten questions, select the letter begins the word of the object shown
  2. Beginning Phonics - Listen to the beginning sound that you select and find the pictures that start with that letter. Interactive
  3. Beginning Sounds with Patch - Students click on the picture that has the same beginning sound as the object pictured. This game reads the name of the object. Interactive
  4. Begins With - students are presented with a picture on which there are objects whose names begin with one of three letters. click to select Interactive
  5. Blending words together- Blender says word and student must choose the beginning sounds and ending sounds separately to be blended together. This site is from BBC and makes it a bit difficult for some children to understand the words. Interactive
  6. Dosity - is an educational web site serving the students, teachers, and parents of the K-12 community. There are three levels of phonics interactive activities.
    1. Level One - shows a picture and the student is to pick the correct word Interactive
    2. Level Two - prompts the student to add the beginning sound to the word to go along with the picture Interactive
    3. Level Three - requires the student to type the word that goes with the picture with a word bar above with the spellingsInteractive
  7. First Sounds - from Little Animals Activity Centre - Digby Mole's Word games (choose level 1, 2, or 3) Interactive
  8. End Sounds - from Little Animals Activity Centre - Digby Mole's Word games (choose level 1, 2, or 3) Interactive
  9. Literacy Center - A great site for pre-K to first grade. Activities with colors, numbers, letters, shapes and words. This site is translated in Spanish, Dutch, French and English; and also has a typing component in the keyboard section. Interactive
  10. Match beginning sound - type the beginning sound of each picture [use all caps] Interactive
  11. Paw Park: Sassy Seals - Match beginning sounds - (from Game Goo - Learning That Sticks!) Interactive
  12. Use the Wordmaker from Read-Write-Think - select an ending sound then make words with that ending sound. Interactive

(7)  Letter-Sound Relationships - The student uses letter-sound knowledge to decode written language.

(A)  name and identify each letter of the alphabet

  1. ABCow - Fill in the missing letters of the alphabet the cows have been eating! This is a keyboard exercise. The mouse is not used to select the letter. Interactive [this expired page is from the Internet Archive known as the Wayback Machine]
  2. ABC Coloring pages - a through z
  3. The ABC Game - [this link opens a new page] Pick the object that starts with the letter shown at the top of each page. This game has 10 questions Interactive
  4. Alphabet Action - Click a letter to hear its name and see a picture. Interactive
  5. Alphabet Activities - a through z
  6. Alphabet Game- Round One-Student drags lower case letters to uppercase letters to match. Round Two- reverse process. Round Three- Drag letters to correct alphabetical order. Interactive
  7. Alphabet Garden Activity - Fill in the missing letter by clicking on the flower that has that letter. Very good activity for sequencing the alphabet. Interactive
  8. Alphabet Letter Match - Match lower case with upper case letters. Interactive
  9. Alphabet Library - Help Checkers the Bear put the books away on the library shelves in alphabetical order. Interactive
  10. Alphabet Match - Match capital to small letter. Find the Mommy (or Daddy) Kangaroo for each joey. Interactive
  11. Alphabet Word Match - Match lower case word with upper case word. Interactive
  12. Alphabet Zoo - Click on partner letters to place baby animals into their proper homes in the zoo. Interactive
  13. Alphabetize - (FunBrain) connect dots in alphabetical order to complete a drawing [all letters present] Interactive
  14. Alphabetize - (FunBrain) connect dots in alphabetical order to complete a drawing [some letters missing] Interactive
  15. The Book Game - Organize the out of order books. Click on the picture of the books to play. Click each book to put it in alphabetical order. Interactive
  16. Haunted Alphabet - [headphones needed] Find the hidden alphabet in a spooky setting. Interactive
  17. Letter Recognition - ten questions, capital letters, find the missing letter
  18. Letter Recognition - ten questions, capital and lowercase letters, only part of the alphabet, find the missing letter
  19. Letter Recognition - ten questions, capital and lowercase letters, all of the alphabet, find the missing letter
  20. Match the Letters - Find the letter that matches the letter on the right and type it. Interactive
  21. Memory Match - Match capital to small letters in the concentration game style to reveal a surprise picture. As matches are made they are reinforced on a chalkboard, writing down the matches so the student can go back and read the matches later. [concentration style game] Interactive
  22. Missing Letter - Type the letter that is missing Interactive
(B)  understand that written words are composed of letters that represent sounds
  1. Frog Jump - Click on the flower to hear a sound. Listen to the flashing lily pads and click on the one that matches the flower. If you click the right lily pad, the frog will jump one step closer to his home. The closer the frog gets to home, the quicker the sounds play. Interactive
  2. Match Sounds - In the memory game, listen carefully and find the matching sounds made by the animals. Click on the window to make the animal appear and hear its sound. Click on the other windows to find its match. Interactive
(C)  learn and apply letter-sound correspondences of a set of consonants and vowels to begin to read
  1. Bear Wear - Help Bear get dressed by listening to the letter sound and selecting the shirt that matches the sound. Interactive

(8)  Vocabulary Development - The student develops an extensive vocabulary.

(A)  discuss meanings of words and develop vocabulary through meaningful/concrete experiences

(B)  develop vocabulary by listening to and discussing both familiar and conceptually challenging selections read aloud
  1. Kids Club Stories [These stories all open in a new window, close the window to return to this list]
    1. Country Mouse and City Mouse - this story will read itself to you. After students are familiar with the story, you can use a version that asks your students to do the reading.
    2. Mother Bear Bakes Bread - this story will read itself to you. After students are familiar with the story, you can use a version that asks your students to do the reading.
    3. The Fox and the Crow - this story will read itself to you. After students are familiar with the story, you can use a version that asks your students to do the reading.
    4. The Mouse and the Lion - this story will read itself to you. After students are familiar with the story, you can use a version that asks your students to do the reading.
    5. The Three Bears - this story will read itself to you. After students are familiar with the story, you can use a version that asks your students to do the reading.
    6. The Three Billy Goats Gruff - this story will read itself to you. After students are familiar with the story, you can use a version that asks your students to do the reading.
    7. Other stories rom Kids Club - Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3
  2. Songs and poems for many theme areas in addition to fingerplays.
(C)  identify words that name persons, places, or things and words that name actions

(9)  Comprehension - The student uses a variety of strategies to comprehend selections read aloud.

(A)  use prior knowledge to anticipate meaning and make sense of texts

(B)  establish purposes for reading or listening such as to be informed, to follow directions, and to be entertained
(C)  retell or act out the order of important events in stories

(10)  Literary Response - The student responds to various texts.

(A)  listen to stories being read aloud

(B)  participate actively (react, speculate, join in, read along) when predictable and patterned selections are read aloud
(C)  respond through talk, movement, music, art, drama, and writing to a variety of stories and poems in ways that reflect understanding and interpretation
  1. And Then... - Look at each picture, and then underline the sentence that tells what will probably happen next. (K-2)
  2. End the Story - Cut out the pictures on the bottom of the page. Decide which picture goes with each story. Paste the pictures on the page. Color the pictures. (K-2)
  3. Follow the Clues - a graphic organizer to help your students make predictions about a story (K-2 and 3-5 activities included)
  4. Three Stories from the Little Animals Activity Centre - The stories are read to students, and choices must be made during the story. Use these as whole class activities and ask for predictions.
    1. The Butterfly Trail - Interactive
    2. The Missing Pencil - Interactive
    3. The Wishing Tree - Interactive
  5. Little Blue and Little Yellow - this lesson plan is designed to be used with the first of Leo Lionni’s picture books. Practice at predicting is one of the activities included. (K-2) This is an Adobe Acrobat document
  6. Story Board - a graphic organizer to help your students make predictions about a story (K-2 and 3-5 activities included)
  7. Use Predictions to Help Kids Think Deeply about Books - Predicting involves more than trying to figure out what happens next. As kids find evidence to form hunches, they also ask questions, recall facts, reread, skim, infer, draw conclusions, and, ultimately, comprehend the text more fully. (K-2) Charting Predictions
  8. What Will Happen Next? - Look at each picture. Draw what you think will happen next (K-2)
(D)  describe how illustrations contribute to the text

(11)  Text Structures/Literary Concepts - The student recognizes characteristics of various types of texts.

(A)  distinguish different forms of texts such as lists, newsletters, and signs and the functions they serve

  1. Safety - [both of these links open in a new window] this story will read itself to you. After students are familiar with the story, you can use a version that asks your students to do the reading. Interactive
  2. Bike Safety - If you will be riding your bike or in-line skating by the side of a road, you will need to know what these traffic signs and signals mean
  3. Bus Safety and School-Zone Safety Signs - from the NYS Department of Motor Vehicles Governor's Traffic Safety Committee
  4. Railroad Safety - Use Caution When Crossing Railroad Tracks
  5. Safe Walking for Kids - What about crossing the street? In some areas there are signs, signals and roadway markings to help you cross safely.
  6. Sign Quiz - select a sign shape and match it with the correct color
  7. Traffic Signs - Shapes of Traffic Signs - Colors of Traffic Signs - Warning Signs - Bicycle Signs - Highway Signs
(B)  understand simple story structure
(C)  distinguish fiction from nonfiction, including fact and fantasy
(D)  understand literary forms by recognizing and distinguishing among such types of text as stories, poems, and information books
(E)  understand literary terms by distinguishing between the roles of the author and illustrator such as the author writes the story and the illustrator draws the pictures

(12)  Inquiry/Research - The student generates questions and conducts research about topics introduced through selections read aloud and from a variety of other sources.

(A)  identify relevant questions for inquiry such as "Why did knights wear armor?"

(B)  use pictures, print, and people to gather information and answer questions
(C)  draw conclusions from information gathered
(D)  locate important areas of the library/media center

(13)  Culture - The student reads or listens to increase knowledge of his/her own culture, the culture of others, and the common elements of cultures.

(A)  connect his/her own experiences with the life experiences, language, customs, and culture of others

(B)  compare experiences of characters across cultures

(14)   Spelling/Penmanship -.. The student develops the foundations of writing.

(A)  write his/her own name and other important words

  1. The Amazing Incredible Handwriting Worksheet Maker Basic Print, D'Nealian, and Cursive
  2. Custom Tracing Page - Create your own words to trace in dotted format.
  3. Handwriting For Kids - Practice sheets for KK and 1st grade writing. Sheets include single letters, letter blends, common words such as days of the week, months of the year,number words, color words and much, much more!
  4. Handwriting Hollow Letter Guides - Make worksheets with hollow letters to trace inside.
  5. Handwriting Practice Worksheets - The first link sells a book, but the remainder of the links provide free worksheets.
  6. Handwriting Practice Worksheet Maker - Write up to three lines (32 characters per row) and print a handwriting sheet with a red dotted line in the center.
  7. Handwriting Worksheet Maker - Write the child's first and last name and create a worksheet
  8. Tracing Paper - Type in your child's name or any word. The program automatically opens a new window and then fills the page of the name or words to be printed and traced
  9. YoungMinds Handwriting Practice - These sheets may be printed and reproduced by parents, guardians, and teachers for home or classroom use only.
  10. Young Writers' Workshop - Story starters for young writers. Print the pages and let the child write the rest of the story
  11. Writing Wizard - Makes English handwriting practice worksheets Type in a word or short sentence and then set a number of display options.
(B)  write each letter of the alphabet, both capital and lowercase
  1. Handwriting Practice Worksheets Letters (Upper and Lower Case) - Scroll to the bottom of the handwriting section and look for the titles.
  2. Handwriting Practice Worksheets Dot Print Letters (Lower Case) - Scroll to the bottom of the handwriting section and look for the titles.
  3. Handwriting Practice Worksheets Dot Print Letters (Upper Case) - Scroll to the bottom of the handwriting section and look for the titles.
  4. Writing ABC's - Watch the animation . When you're ready to try it yourself, print the page and draw on top of the letter to practice writing it!
  5. Writing Repeater - Write your own words or letters and hit the play button to watch it repeat over and over!
  6. Writing resources from the home school fun zone
  7. Writing the Alphabet - Zaner-Bloser letters, showing student how to form letters, capital and small with tablet line placement. Select a letter at the bottom to see an animation of the strokes to write the letters of the alphabet
(C)  use phonological knowledge to map sounds to letters to write messages
(D)  write messages that move left-to-right and top-to-bottom on the page
(E)  gain increasing control of penmanship such as pencil grip, paper position, and beginning stroke

(15)   Composition - The student composes original texts.

(A)  dictate messages such as news and stories for others to write

(B)  write labels, notes, and captions for illustrations, possessions, charts, centers
(C)  write to record ideas and reflections
(D)  generate ideas before writing on self-selected topics
(E)  generate ideas before writing on assigned tasks

(F)  use available technology to compose text


(16)  Inquiry/Research - The student uses writing as a tool for learning and research.

(A)  record or dictate questions for investigating

(B)  record or dictate his/her own knowledge of a topic in various ways such as by drawing pictures, making lists, and showing connections among ideas
Study Dog - A free software program to be downloaded into your personal machine. A Full curriculum software reading program for pre-K through 2nd grade. For PC and Macintosh, this program comes in 3 levels of standards-based reading lessons that are fun for your child. Select the Basic Download.


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Internet4Classrooms is a collaborative project developed by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles