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Links verified 4/5/2024

  1. Business Math and Economics - Tonya Skinner's site; lesson plans and activities
  2. Campbell R. Harvey's Hypertextual Finance Glossary - the largest financial glossary on the Internet
  3. The Complete Guide to Teaching Kids About Money - critical money lessons you should teach your kids at every age, from their toddler years to their teen years
  4. Currency Converter : Use the money conversion tool to convert your money into another currency.
  5. Debit or Credit - Manage your credit, keep a budget and live within your means.
  6. EconEdLink - Internet-based economic and personal finance lessons for K-12 teachers and their students
  7. Economic System Quiz - online interactive, Quia quiz
  8. Economic Resources - from Bartley Business Information Center 
  9. Federal Reserve Education - links to instructional materials and tools that can increase your understanding of the Federal Reserve, economics and financial education
  10. Financial Data Finder - maintained by Denis Shibiko Department of Finance, Fisher College of Business, The Ohio State University 
  11. Financial Literacy for Kids and Students - raising financially savvy children
  12. Gross Domestic Product or Expenditure - (1930-2007)
  13. Jumpstart's Reality Check - Imagine the possibilities...then take their simple test. Fill in your choices and then get ready for a reality check! Chances are you'll be surprised by how much your so called "Dream Life" is going to cost you.
  14. Mathematics and Economics - designed as support materials for a commercial product, this site has free links to lessons, web sites, and interactives
  15. The Mint - packed with all kinds of tips about what to do with your money (from Northwestern Mutual)
  16. National Economics Standards - includes links to related lessons
  17. NYSE
  18. Overall Economic Outlook - this site, with its advanced information, would be a good resource for student projects 
  19. Practical Money Skills - Teacher Resources
  20. Products - Find out the principal products in the U.S. 
  21. Receipts and Outlays of the Federal Government - (1789-2013)
  22. SEC - official site of the US Securities and Exchange Commission
  23. Secrets of Making Money - a PBS program which follows the U.S. Treasury and the Secret Service on a joint mission to stay ahead of counterfeiters and make a better, more hi-tech buck
  24. The Shrinking Value of the Dollar - This data represents changes in prices of all goods and services purchased for consumption by urban households.
  25. Stock Exchange: NASDAQ
  26. Teaching children About Money - resources for promoting financial literacy by age
  27. Ultimate Guide to Understanding Credit for Kids, Teens, and Young Adults - discuss ways to make sure that the credit history that you establish keeps you on the positive side .
  28. Virtual Stock Exchange Games - Trade stocks, talk strategies, and more.
  29. Where Does Your Money Go? - Can you estimate the percentage of the Federal Budget spent on the items listed?
  30. World Paper Money Homepage posted Ron Wise - over 10,000 notes, with individual front and back scans



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