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Tip for Odd Behavior of any kind when the system is not frozen:
Quit whatever you are doing and Restart the computer. Often this will clear the glitch.

Netscape was unable to create a network socket connection.

When I tried to clean out my Email messages sent file a window opened saying I was making an illegal operation. I have over 100 messages in that file, could that be the problem?

I can't get the TV to have the same picture as the computer.

The TV is black and white while on computer feed, and the cable connection is plugged in all the way (re-plugged twice).

 Cannot access any program on the computer, cannot use Works, CD ROM or any type of program without some type of error showing on the screen.

My icon for Word, Works, Inspiration, etc.. is missing.

Computer dialog box when starting "Invalid system disk, Replace the disk, and then press any key."

unable to write data to drive C:.

A network error occurred while Netscape was receiving data.

My mouse will not function.

No sound

Can not send data to the printer. The printer does not respond to the computer.

Invalid System disk followed by C:\ which does not function.

Machine won't come up (runs POST then hangs).

Data error reading drive C:.

 The printer is set to work off line on student workstation computers I can not get the check mark to go away. The printer only works with the teacher workstation.

The computer will not come on at all.

Teacher reports that files he saves to diskette are corrupted., and he suspects the A: drive. When you arrive at the room to check out the A: drive, you find a stack of diskettes on top of the monitor.

Tip for Odd Behavior of any kind when the system is not frozen:

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Internet4Classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles