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Introduction to Vocabulary Activities

Introduction to Vocabulary Activities

"Vocabulary is one of the five pillars of reading comprehension as set forth in No Child Left Behind legislation. Reading comprehension depends upon the meaning readers give words. The more vocabulary words students know, the better they are able to comprehend."(reference - http://vocabularygames.us)

The best way to learn new words is to read, read, read and read!! Read something every single day of summer, whether it is a book, the comics in the paper, the sports section, or listening to an adult read articles from the newspaper. Try to spend 15-20 minutes each day reading and pay attention to the words you don't understand. Make a list of these words and keep them in a vocabulary notebook. You can add these words to your weekly lists from Internet4classrooms. Just think of all the new words you will know when you go back to school in the fall!

Use the daily activities to help you remember words that you learn each week. It is much easier to remember what the words mean if you do something with them and use them frequently in talking with your parents, family and friends.



Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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