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Grade 1-2: Vocabulary Lesson for Monday, Week 1

Grade 1-2: Vocabulary Lesson for Monday, Week 1

This week's theme is: Picnic

Word List 1

  1. estimate: to guess the amount of something
  2. predict: making a guess at what will happen before knowing the answer
  3. dissolve: to break up or melt
  4. pleasant:: nice, lovely, enjoyable

Monday Activities

  1. Make a Summer Vocabulary Notebook. Each week you will write the words and definitions you learn in it.
  2. Write each word and definition in your vocabulary book. Use this dictionary link to check the pronounciation of each word. Type each word in the box on the left, then click the sound icon to listen.
  3. Practice saying your words with a grown up to make sure you are pronouncing them correctly.If you have access to a video camera, record yourself saying the words and sample sentences and play them back on the computer. If you have a Mac, use the Photo Booth application or a simple webcam on a PC.

Other Help

If you need more information on your words, click on the link to use a on-line dictionary.

Use the daily activities to help you remember words that you learn each week. It is much easier to remember what the words mean if you do something with them and use them frequently in talking with your parents, family and friends.

Sample sentences:

If four people are very hungry, I estimate needing 12 pieces of fried chicken
Can you estimate how many jelly beans are in this jar?

Can you predict the weather for this weekend?
I can predict the end of this story.

It is so hot out here that my ice dissolved.
The sugar in my tea dissolved so that I could not see it in the glass.

The State Park was a pleasant place for our picnic.
My teacher is very pleasant.


For more vocabulary, reading and other language arts resources, please visit our interactive skillbuilders.



Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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