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Grade 9-10: Vocabulary Lesson for Thursday, Week 14

Grade 9-10: Vocabulary Lesson for Thursday, Week 14

Word List 14

  1. replenish: to fill or make complete again; add a new stock or supply to; to inspire or nourish
  2. pungent: affecting the organs of taste or smell with a sharp acrid sensation; penetrating, biting, or caustic; pointed
  3. plethora: a superabundance; an excess
  4. pallor: extreme or unnatural paleness
  5. labyrinth: an intricate structure of interconnecting passages through which it is difficult to find one's way; a maze; something highly intricate or convoluted in character, composition, or construction
  6. legitimate: being in compliance with the law; lawful; being in accordance with established or accepted patterns and standards; based on logical reasoning; reasonable; authentic; genuine
  7. negligible: not significant or important enough to be worth considering; trifling

Thursday Activities

  1. Click Flashcards - Time for Kids Create your own flash cards. When you're done you can copy the web address and use the flash cards again. Your flash cards will expire after two weeks.
  2. Step Two: Type in each of your vocabulary words, insert a dash (-) by each word and a space, then type in the definition.
  3. Step Three: click on the get code button. This will copy the coding you need for your zoom words. Step Four: Open Word and paste in the coding. A quick way to paste is to right click and then select Paste. Save the file as a web page by opening the white box by "Select a Type." Choose web page in that area and give the file a name. Save the file on the desktop so that you can find it easily. Open your web browser. At the top in the menu, select open file. Find your file of vocabulary words and open it. Sit back and enjoy the show!

Other Help

If you need more information on your words, click on the link to use a on-line dictionary.

Use the daily activities to help you remember words that you learn each week. It is much easier to remember what the words mean if you do something with them and use them frequently in talking with your parents, family and friends.

Sample sentences:

Dad sighed as he leaned back listening to Mozart, "Ah yes, that's music to replenish the soul.^
We barely had time to replenish our pantry before the second wave of storms cut us off again.

The pungent leaves of the yucca plant are a real hazard when doing yard work around them.
The pungent smell of Cajun spices hit us as soon as we entered Granny's kitchen.

The headmaster stared at us with crossed arms, "You two boys have a veritable plethora of excuses, don't you?^
With great excitement, I surveyed the plethora of shiny coins scattered near the shipwreck.

The pallor of my skin testified to the fact that I had spent the entire summer inside reading.
Looking in the mirror, the pallor of my skin told me that the apparition had frightened me more than I realized.

For what seemed like hours last night, I was pursued through the labyrinth in a highly unpleasant dream.
Twisting and turning as I walked through the narrow marketplace I realized that I was hopelessly lost in the labyrinth.

"Yes sir," the talent scout boasted to everyone around him, "this young man will be a legitimate Cy Young Award winner.^
I was relieved when the court decided that I was the legitimate owner of the property.

With only a negligible difference in our scores, it will be hard for the scholarship committee to decide between us.
The negligible difference in the two cars made it extremely difficult to make a decision.


For more vocabulary, reading and other language arts resources, please visit our interactive skillbuilders.



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