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Grade 9-10: Vocabulary Lesson for Friday, Week 3

Grade 9-10: Vocabulary Lesson for Friday, Week 3

Word List 3

  1. infinite: Having no boundaries, or limits; immeasurably great
  2. liberal: Generous, tending to give freely; open to new ideas for progress
  3. modify: To alter, to change in form or character; to make less extreme, or severe
  4. ovation: Enthusiastic, prolonged applause;
  5. porous: Full or pores; easily crossed or penetrated
  6. revenue: Income produced by a particular source; the income of a government
  7. stamina: Endurance; Physical or mental toughness to withstand illness, fatigue, or hardship

Friday Activities

  1. On week one, we suggested you create an account on Study Stack. Click the link to go to Study Stack. Log into your account. You will see the stack you created last week. Click on the "edit" button to the right of that stack. Click on the "Data" tab. Write your words on the left and the definitions on the right. If you run out of blank areas, click on the Save Changes button. Use the scroll down bar on the right to see the blank line at the bottom of t
  2. Here is a book mark for you to keep up with vocabulary words you run across while reading. Print this out and keep it in your book. When you come across a word you do not know, write it down on this bookmark to keep track of it. Add the word and definition to your vocabulary notebook.
  3. Connectives - Click on the link and type in your vocabulary words and their definitions in the three columns. Your definitions will be typed in column 2 and continue in column 3. Print out the sheet and cut it into the individual blocks. Keep the pieces in a ziploc bag and try to put the connectors together during your travel time or free time at home.

Other Help

If you need more information on your words, click on the link to use a on-line dictionary.

Use the daily activities to help you remember words that you learn each week. It is much easier to remember what the words mean if you do something with them and use them frequently in talking with your parents, family and friends.

Sample sentences:

Astronomers say that the Universe is infinite.
Not many things on earth could be described as infinite, but the Pacific Ocean comes close.

The recipe said use a liberal amount of cinnamon but I think I used too much.

After I sprained my ankle I had to modify my summer exercise program.
Ms. Smith gave me my research paper back; I have to modify the thesis.

The singer was so good that the entire audience gave her a standing ovation.
The ovation was such a surprise to the performer that she cried.

Scoria is a volcanic rock that is very porous.
The border between the two countries was so porous than anyone who wanted to cross it was able to do so.

After asking me what my source of revenue would be for the summer he wheeled the lawnmower into my hands.
My Dad is always worried about the Internal Revenue Service.

After watching the soccer competition I was amazed at the stamina of the star players.
People with little stamina are at most risk in a flu outbreak.


For more vocabulary, reading and other language arts resources, please visit our interactive skillbuilders.



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