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Internet4classrooms Blog

Minimize the Summer Learning Loss

Summer is a time for a break from school and hopefully lots of time spent with family and friends - vacations, reunions, travel or just playing together. But make sure to throw a little summer learning into the mix:

  • All students experience learning losses when they do not engage in educational activities during the summer.
  • On average, students lose approximately 2.6 months of grade level equivalency in mathematical computation skills during the summer months.
  • Research shows that teachers typically spend between 4 to 6 weeks re-teaching material that students have forgotten over the summer.

I4C’s summer learning program provides a grade appropriate checklist of possible daily/weekly activities in a wide array of subjects for students going into grades K-12. By logging in daily (or even just "here and there"), it is easy to find short educational activities that can keep your student’s mind steadily moving forward.

Here are some things to do in I4C’s summer learning program:

  • Head to the library for a book from our grade-by-grade daily and weekly reading lists.
  • If your student is going to be in high school in the fall, start preparing for the SAT/ACT by working on our daily vocabulary and math quizzes. They cover over 5,000 words and 1,110 math problems.
  • We have daily math and science activities geared toward grades K-12.
  • We have grade specific vocabulary activities for grades K-12
  • Elementary students can work though US state geography facts.
  • High school students can work through a concise synopsis of US history broken down into daily lessons.
  • High school students can also daily learn 2-3 useful Latin phrases.
  • Explore daily historical facts and fun summer holidays.

You can sign up for our summer learning program here:



Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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