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ADHD Featured Author: Dr. David Rabiner, Ph.D.

Dr. David Rabiner, Ph.D.

Dr. David Rabiner is an Associate Research Professor and the Director of Undergraduate Studies in the Department of Psychology & Neuroscience at Duke University where he also serves as the Associate Director of the Center for Child and Family Policy.

Dr. Rabiner's research has focused on a variety of issues related to ADHD including helping community pediatricians utilize evidence-based procedures for evaluation and treatment, examining the impact of attention problems on academic achievement, testing novel computerized interventions for children with attention difficulties, and evaluating the impact of ADHD on students' adjustment to college.

He has published more than 40 scientific papers and received grant funding from the National Institute of Mental Health, the Centers for Disease Control, and the Department of Education. Dr. Rabiner is also a former member of the Professional Advisory Board of CHADD.

If you want to keep up with the latest research on ADHD, visit www.helpforadd.com to learn about Attention Research Update, a complementary online newsletter written by Dr. David Rabiner, Associate Research Professor at Duke University. The newsletter summarizes the latest ADHD research findings to help subscribers stay informed about important new developments in the field.



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