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7th Grade - Earth Science Topics

7th Grade Science Standards - Earth Science

Links verified 5/4/2024

Checks for Understanding (Formative/Summative Assessment)

0707.7.1 Mineral Properties - Organize and explain information about the properties of minerals and their uses
0707.7.2 Rock Cycle - Label a diagram that depicts the major processes of the rock cycle
0707.7.3 Types of Rocks - Distinguish among sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic rocks and relate these to a simple diagram of the rock cycle
0707.7.4 Earth's Layers - Recognize that the earth's layers have different thickness, states of matter, densities, and chemical makeup
0707.7.5 Plate Tectonics - Analyze the relationship between plate movements and areas of earthquake activity
0707.7.6 Mountain Building - Analyze the relationship between plate movements and mountain building
0707.7.7 Volcanoes - Analyze the relationship between plate movements, volcanoes, and sea floor spreading
0707.7.8 Resources - Determine the impact of man's use of renewable and nonrenewable resources on future supplies
0707.7.9 Human Activities - Evaluate how human activities affect the condition of the earth's land, water, and atmosphere

State Performance Indicators

SPI 0707.7.1 Minerals - Use a table of physical properties to classify minerals
SPI 0707.7.2 Rock Types - Label a diagram that depicts the three different rock types
SPI 0707.7.3 Process of Rock Cycle - Identify the major processes that drive the rock cycle
SPI 0707.7.4 Layers of the Earth - Differentiate among the characteristics of the earth's three layers
SPI 0707.7.5 Plate Movement - Recognize that lithospheric plates on the scale of continents and oceans continually move at rates of centimeters per year
SPI 0707.7.6 Tectonic Forces - Describe the relationship between plate movements and earthquakes, mountain building, volcanoes, and sea floor spreading
SPI 0707.7.7 Man's Impact - Analyze and evaluate the impact of man's use of earth's land, water, and atmospheric resources



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