Derive meaning while reading (e.g., use metacognitive and self-monitoring reading strategies to improve comprehension {reread, ask for help, self-questioning, draw on earlier reading}). 0501.6.2
Links verified on 9/8/2014
- Looking for the Fine Print - students read advertisements to practice reading critically
- Making Inferences and Drawing Conclusions - descriptions of the various ways to aid you in reaching a conclusion
- Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure - Challenge your students by letting them practice using a reading comprehension test designed for prospective teachers. (This site recommends that you use a printed copy of the page - a link is provided to see answers) [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
- Read a Contract - and then answer five multiple-choice questions [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
- Reading Comprehension - free reading comprehension worksheets for teachers and parents - includes original stories, poems, essays, and articles
- Reading Comprehension Practice Activities
- A Special Christmas Present - Read the text on the left and answer the questions.
- Causes of Floods - Read the text on the left and answer ten questions.
- The Effects of Stress - Read the text on the left and answer nine questions.
- From Carrots to Renovations: How I Spent $10,000 without Really Trying - Read the text on the left and answer five questions.
- The Positive Effects on Children of Owning a Dog - Read the text on the left and answer the questions.
- Two Sisters and a Cat - Read the text on the left and answer the questions.
- Why People Get Tattoos - Read the text on the left and answer nine questions.
- Reading Comprehension Practice from Mr Nussbaum
- The Age of Exploration - read the passage and answer ten multiple-choice questions
- The American Revolution - read the passage and answer ten multiple-choice questions
- Benjamin Franklin - read the passage and answer ten multiple-choice questions
- Plymouth Colony - read the passage and answer ten multiple-choice questions
- An Index of Other Reading Comprehension Activities - passages for Grade 5
- Reading Comprehension stories - Interactive quizzes for two stories - Each text is followed by a grammar exercise and summary writing exercise.
- Reading Exercises - Comprehension, Fill in and Sequencing
- Reading the Fine Print - students read advertisements to practice reading critically
- Summarize as You Read - When you summarize, eliminate unnecessary details. Focus on the main idea of the whole passage.
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