Use estimation to check answers for reasonableness, and calculators to check for accuracy 0306.1.6
Links verified on 12/23/2014
- Animal Legs - use repeated addition as a strategy to solve multiplication story problems
- Basket Math provides rounding practice
- Comparison Estimator - Similar to Estimator but compares two sets of objects.
- Estimate - [use as a whole class activity] Select a range, display tick marks and estimate before revealing the answer.
- Estimating by Rounding - addition with regrouping
- Estimating by Rounding - subtraction with regrouping
- Estimating and rounding decimals - a lesson, examples, and an interactive practice page
- Estimating Sum - no hints or clues given
- Estimator - Practice estimation skills by determining the number of objects, length, or area. (parameters: error tolerance)
- Guess the Number - developing skills in halving and estimation
- Home Run Derby Math - you don't have time to add, just estimate the correct answer [addition, subtraction, or multiplication]
- Laser Beams - rounding decimals to the nearest whole number - three levels are available; rounding, rounding and computing sums and differences, and rounding and computing with all four operations
- Let's Go Shopping - estimate by rounding to the nearest dollar as they shop
Math Story Problems! - Kid created math story problems ("Kitten" pages are the easiest.) There are lots of links to pages of problems... scroll way down to see them all
- More or Less Estimator - Similar to Estimator activity but states a quantity and asks the user to estimate whether the set of objects is more or less than the number given.
- Round About - estimate by rounding
- Round the decimal to the nearest whole number - matching, flashcards, or concentration (from Quia)
- Rounding - to the nearest ten or dollar, a quiz from Saxon math
- Rounding to nearest ten - to nearest hundred - to nearest thousand
- Rounding Off - three levels are available in this game from BBC Education
- The Seashell Rounding Activity Page - Look at the number on each shell. Click on the nearest ten.
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