This page of links can be extremely useful to anyone looking for images to fulfill things like teacher projects, newsletters, bulletin boards, and student projects. From clipart to videos, photos, and sound clips, it's all here below.
Clipart Resources
Find thousands of images on everything from time/clocks to weather, math, history, science, background textures, and music. A great place to find images for your class bulletin boards, flyers, worksheets and more. You can also find unit theme pictures, like dinosaurs, space, flags, maps, and the alphabet. Tons of printable images, and free! * Note: these links are a courtesy to helping you find great clip art resources. Most if not all the images you find are copyrighted and not under the responsiblity of I4C.
General Resources
A great list of resources for customizing your own images - you can create headings and logos. Resize and tweak your images and learn about typeface. There's also a site that allows you to create your very own banner. I4C offers a page of web assistance, showing you how to create a page or site with html, graphics, images, and templates.
Learn how to take great pictures, get photography help, find digital photography instructionals, and more. Enjoy photography sites and seeing all the different methods and approaches to taking a good picture.
This is a HUGE collection of online photos and images. There are multiple categories to choose from. We offer links to sites that have pictures of the environment, landforms, plants, animals, and biology topics. There are collections of images of Earth, space, the solar system, planets, and NASA galleries. Find presidential portraits and pictures of states as well. You are sure to find anything and everything you need in these online images. Number 19 is a wonderful starting point. This site has their images listed by categories like school subjects, famous people, seasons, music, time, traffic, buildings, etc. You can choose black and white or color for your prints.
Sound Clips
This is a wonderful assortment of sites that offer free sound clips of animals, birds, whales, nature, children's tunes and sing-a-longs, and composers of classical music. Students will find it fascinating to sit and listen to animals and how they communicate.
Video Clips
Free video clips and video tutorials on topics such as animals, birds, space, physics, and historical events. Learn how to make your own video by clicking on number 9. There's a great nature video gallery from PBS on number 6.

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