Each Grade Level is full of resources for every individual standard. Students can take control of their own learning by clicking on the page with the standard number, and choosing their own resource to practice that skill. We cover domains and standards of each grade from Kindergarten all the way up to 8th Grade.
Check out our new Common Core ELA Standards and also our updated Common Core Math Standards.
SAT and ACT Test Preparation
Free Online Practice Resources for ACT Tests and SAT Tests! I4C now offers free SAT and ACT vocabulary and math quizzes. Become a free member and log in as much as you'd like. Students can take practice tests on 5000 vocabulary words. or over 1000 math problems. Parents and Mentors can log in to monitor your scores - including seeing which vocabulary words they missed. Interactive quizzes allow the test taker to retake and study as much as they want.
Sign Up Here for ACT Test & SAT Test Preparation!
September Blog: Are parents putting their children at increased risk of developing diabetes? Guest Blogger Mark Benson of DiabetesForum.com discusses Type II diabetes in children and what we need to do to lower the risk of developing the disease.
September 2013 Picks
Teacher Resources | Parent Resources | Technology Tips |
September marks Labor Day and the beginning of Hispanic Heritage Month and Autumn. Visit our monthly newsletter to see all the details. Below are just a few highlights.
Here are just a couple of the September events that you can celebrate this month.
- Classical Music Month - In 1994, President Clinton proclaimed September as Classical Music Month. Check out I4C's music resource page to learn about different composers and music masterpieces and find musical craft projects here to do this month!
- Labor Day (9/2) - Did you know that the first Labor Day was celebrated on a Tuesday, not on a Monday like we now celebrate it? Learn more about the history of Labor Day and enjoy some Labor Day themed crafts and activities.
- National Grandparents Day (9/8) - On Grandparents Day, we honor our grandparents and recognize the wonderful contributions they add to our lives. Show your appreciation for your grandparents today by creating cards and crafts for them!
- Hispanic Heritage Month (9/15-10/15) - During Hispanic Heritage Month, we celebrate the histories, cultures and contributions of US citizens whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central and South America. Learn more about Hispanic Heritage Month through an interactive guide from Scholastic. Find teacher resources and activities and crafts to do this month!
- Constitution Day (9/17) - The Constitution of the United States was adopted on this day in 1787. This Constitution Day, read the Constitution and its amendments, learn about the signers, and enjoy Constitution themed activities today.
- First Day of Autumn (9/22) - Celebrate the beginning of fall with I4C by checking out our Fall Resource page, full of fun crafts, activities, and recipes!
- Back to School Nights are approaching! Here are some great tips for speaking to your students' parents and how to prep for your Open House!
- This September 11th, we remember those who died during the terrorist attacks twelve years ago. It may be difficult to explain the events to students who were too young to remember or not even born yet but there are many resources available. Pearson's Online Learning Exchange has teacher guides and activities for elementary school, middle school, and high school aged students. Also, I4C has a September 11th page, filled with guides and activities to help your students understand the significance of the day.
- Visit Teacher tools for all of your classroom needs.
- Go to our grade level help for lesson plans, activities, instructionals, and tools organized by grade and subject.
- As the school year begins, keep your kids safe when they do their schoolwork online. Check out I4C's internet safety page for tips and links to keep your children safe online!
- This September 11th, we remember those who died during the terrorist attacks twelve years ago. It may be difficult to explain the events to those were too young to remember or not even born yet but there are many resources available. A guide from the 9/11 Memorial has tips on explaining the day to your children and I4C has a September 11th page, filled with guides and activities to help your child understand the significance of the day.
- You can always visit our Parent Resources page to get grade level practice sites, find online sources, and information pertaining to homework, special needs, reading help, and more.
- Don't forget our Technology Tutorial section in case you need refresher courses in your computer skills.
- Pin a Program on the Start Menu - Did you know you can pin programs that you want to get to quickly on the Start Menu? Right click the program icon, and click on "Pin to Start Menu". Find more Windows tips here.
- Change your homepage - Have a webpage that you always go to first? You can set it as your home page for your browser. In Interent Explorer, click on the gear icon in the top right and then click "Internet Options". In Google Chrome, go to Settings and check "Open a specific page or set of pages." In Firefox, drag the link or icon the the left of the address bar to the Home icon. More internet tips.
- Outline Easily - Outline quickly and easily in Microsoft Word! Start a bullet or numbered list and then press the "Tab" button to indent. Easily reverse the indent by pressing "Shift"and "Tab". There are also Increase Indent and Decrease Indent buttons on the Formatting Toolbar. More Microsoft Word tips here.
We also have other basic instruction in Microsoft Office, including Word 2007, Excel 2007, Powerpoint 2007.
- Resources for Educators - In this section you can find classroom resources for Exceptional Children, Smartboards, Character Education, Web 2.0 Resources and other topics.
- Resources for Parents - Parents can find resources
on assisting their children with homework, time management, Internet Safety, subject area resources, grade level resources and more.

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