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Kindergarten: Mathematics Resources


Links verified 2/25/2018

For more Mathematics practice, visit our main Kindergarten Skillbuilders section.

  1. 100th Day Activities
    1. 100th day of school from Delmar, Maryland
    2. The 100th Day of School from A to Z Teacher Stuff
    3. Counting to 100 - Worksheet with blanks for students to fill in the numbers.
  2. AAA Math - Practice sessions for basic skills such as word and number match, fractions, adding, comparing numerals, and more.
  3. APlus Math - Games, worksheets, flashcards and hidden picture activities using basic math operations.
  4. Beginning Addition - This site is for beginners using fingers as manipulatives. Audio announces numeral for reinforcement. Audio reply when numeral is selected for the answer.
  5. Color By Number - Use the correct color to go with the number and create a picture. [ numbers 0-5 ]
  6. Cool Math has some activities to help parents get their kids ready for Kindergarten and to be continued in 1st Grade.
  7. Flash Cards - Print and use in your classroom.
  8. Fractions - A simple practice for children first learning fractions. Using fourths, this page demonstrates how the colored section is the key to the top number and the total boxes (4) are the key to the bottom number.
  9. Fractions - Lessons teaching beginning fractions.
  10. Daily Graphing Lessons for Kindergarten - Many graphing ideas from Marcia Goudie in CA. [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive.]
  11. ABC List of things to Graph - These are just a few things that teachers and elementary students can use to chart data. Be sure to check the underlined links. [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive.]
  12. Greater Than/ Less Than - Whole class activity on practicing this concept.
  13. Harcourt School Publishers - (Kindergarten activities for the Math Advantage series) Take a look at their first grade and second grade pages also!
  14. Magnetic Numbers - Can you come up with the correct number sentences for these numbers? Unscramble the number sentences in addition, subtraction and multiplication.
  15. Math Lessons - Kindergarten math lessons, many with technology components.
  16. Math Lingo - Play Tic-Tac-Toe while learning positional words, more, less and many more math terms.
  17. Measurement- Using various measures, complete this worksheet.
  18. Missing Numbers - Worksheet
  19. Money - Worksheets containing recognition, counting and comparing money. scroll down [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive.]
  20. Number Chart - (interactive 100 number chart) Use this to show number patterns and much more! The chart can be printed.
  21. Number Dice- Empty template
  22. Number Dice - Dice with black dots
  23. Number Dice- Dice with white dots
  24. Number Dice - Dice with white numbers
  25. Number Dice - Dice with fingers
  26. Number Jigsaw puzzles- Print these for your students.
  27. Number Sheets- Worksheets in Zaner-Bloser style or Dnealian style for each numeral 1-10. [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive.]
  28. Number Table- Numbers to 100 - Print for student desk display.
  29. Number Wallcards with fingers- Hang up on the wall in your classroom.
  30. Number Word Poster - Print for student desk display.
  31. Ordinals - An online game to practice ordinal numbers up to tenth. First through tenth is written in words and objects appear. Student is to select ordinal word that corresponds with last object.
  32. Shapes - (Pre-school) Identify shapes and colors. [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive.]
  33. Shapes Poster for Printing - Print for student desk display.
  34. Sorting Pumpkins - Good activity for beginning mouse skill drills. Move pumpkins and group according to size or color. [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive.] Interactive
  35. Talk About Math - A guide to raising children who can do math [several videos are included].
  36. Telling Time - Set the clock and Mr. Clock will tell you the time. [good for beginners]
  37. Time - This site has worksheets that can be printed, but can also be used in a total class group, answering the problems as a team. It provides practice on the hour, half hour, quarter hour and minutes. [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive.]
  38. Time: Blank Worksheet - Students can fill in times dictated.
  39. Writing Numbers - Shows the strokes to write numbers. Select a number at the bottom to see an animation of the strokes to write a number.

A resource for the teacher to use in planning their lessons a site for teachers | A PowerPoint show related to this standard a PowerPoint show | An Adobe Acrobat document in .pdf format Adobe Acrobat document | A Microsoft Word document to be downloaded a Word document
This resource includes voice instructions for students sound | A video is available through this link video format
| Interactive interactive lesson | This site includes questions for your students to check their understanding a quiz | A lesson plan can be found at this site lesson plan | This link includes something for the teacher to print to print



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