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Elementary Writing Resources

Elementary Writing Resources

Click on the links below to explore the different facets of writing.

  1. Essays - Find narrative, expository, and persuasive essay resources.
  2. Friendly Letters - Learn the basic format of friendly letters. Find practice resources on teaching students how to write a letter.
  3. General Resources - A mixed bag of resources for developing writing skills.
  4. Lesson Plans - Lesson plans on how you can teach writing in the classroom.
  5. Poetry - Resources for writing poetry.
  6. Prewriting - Methods and strategies for prewriting. Practice steps for starting an essay.
  7. Story Writing - Learn how to map out a story with oline tools and steps. Identify main characters and utilize Digital Story tools. You can create pop-up books and slides.
  8. Transistions - Lists of transitional words and phrases, and how to use them.
  9. Writing Prompts - Find an extensive list of writing prompts sites for K-12. Find pictures and prompts your students can use to begin writing stories and essays.



Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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