Learn English
This site was created to provide assistance to Spanish speaking students just learning to speak English.Links verified 2/9/2022
- 108 Vocabulary words -Match the English word to the Spanish word.
- Adjectives to Describe People and Things - Match game
- Animals - 46 questions asking the English name of various animals.
- Asking for Directions - Match game
- Basic Vocabulary - Match the English word to the Spanish word.
- Basic Vocabulary - Match the English word to the Spanish word.
- Body Parts - Match the English word to the Spanish word.
- Body Parts - Match English words to Spanish words
- Classroom Objects - Match the English word with the Spanish word.
- Classroom Vocabulary - Match game translating Spanish into English
- Daily Routines - Match the English word to the Spanish word.
- Daily Routine-2 -Match the English word to the Spanish word.
- Easy Vocabulary Quizzes with Pictures - nouns, adjectives, and verbs
- Emotions -Match the English word to the Spanish word
- English Grammar Exercises - auto generated exercises
- English-Spanish Vocabulary Quizzes - English word is presented with a choice of 4 Spanish words
- English Vocabulary Quizzes - Most quizzes are multiple choice with an image of the word.
- ESL Games World - fun games for ESL/EFL lessons
- ESL for Spanish Speakers - many quizzes to select from. ( Make sure you choose the ones that say all )
- Games for Learning English - from ESL Games
- Games to Learn English
- Going Shopping - Match the English word to the Spanish word.
- Grammatical Structure - Match the English word to the Spanish word.
- Greetings - Match the English greeting with the Spanish greeting.
- ImTranslator - Audio translator
- Instruments and Living Vocabulary - Match the English word to the Spanish word.
- Jobs - Match the English word to the Spanish word.
- Language Arts - from IXL
- Learn English - activities from the English Club
- Learning English from the BBC
- My Spanish Picture Dictionary - a new online resource to learn Spanish (or English) - Each word in the dictionary has an English-Spanish translation and a photograph of the item.
- Spanish to English Dictionary - Audio included.
- Numbers to 100 - Match the English number with the Spanish number.
- Ordinal Numbers - Put the ordinal numbers in the correct order: cuarto, dcimo, noveno, octavo, primero, quinto, segundo, sptimo, sexto, tercero
- People - Match English words to Spanish words
- Shopping -Match the English word to the Spanish word.
- Things to do on Vacation - Match the English word to the Spanish word.
- Verb Vocabulary - Match game
- Vocabulary Matching Exercises - Common words with picture clues; pull-down menu to find correct English word.
- Weather Vocabulary - Match game
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