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Introductory Letter for Parents


Teacher's Letter to Parents

Below is a letter that you can customize to introduce the parents of your students to the many resources at Internet 4 Classrooms.com. Teachers have found it helpful to send this out a few times a year to remind parents that it is easy to reinforce classroom activities at home. Remind your parents that they can also use this site to better understand the concepts that you are teaching and that there is a free, easy to navigate source for homework help and ideas to stimulate their child's learning.

Click here for a Downloadable version in Microsoft Word.

Dear Parents,

To help students with practice and retention of skills learned in the classroom, we will be using Internet4Classrooms.com, a free website that has many resources for each subject we are learning this year.

As we are learning these subjects and their underlying concepts, I will be assigning homework to be completed on specific Internet4classrooms.com web pages. These assignments will be fun activities and quizzes for your child to practice and will reinforce the skills they are learning in their classroom.

Encourage your child to be an independent learner and select activities to practice on his own in his free time. Internet4classrooms.com is a 'safe' teacher created website with all sorts of activities for your child to explore. This site will be useful to you when researching specific topics for a school project or in finding general educational resources. The materials are organized by grade and subject and there is a search box at the top of each page.

You may also sign up for Internet 4 Classrooms' monthly newsletter, which has additional resources for parents and students, directly on their site and follow their updates on Facebook.

Please add these links to your saved bookmarks to become more familiar with the resources on this site:

Grade Resources - http://internet4classrooms.com/grade_level_help.htm

Subject Resources - http://internet4classrooms.com/k12links.htm

Technology Activities - http://internet4classrooms.com/on-line.htm

Parent Information - http://internet4classrooms.com/parents.htm


Teacher's Name

Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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