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Earthquake in Haiti

Giving Thanks When It's NOT Thanksgiving
Turning Tragedy into a Teachable Moment

Today I sat in my son's Pre-K classroom during circle time and the teachers spoke to the children regarding the tragedy in Haiti. They explained that there was an earthquake that destroyed many homes and that many people are hurt and in need of food and shelter.

This turned into a lesson about how this made them feel, which was sad, and then one little boy said that it makes him feel lucky to have his toys, his home and his parents. It just made me hug my son tighter, thinking of the devastation that thousands of families are facing at this very moment.

Your students and children are going to hear about this tragedy, and here are some resources to help you know what to say and how to talk to them at an age/grade appropriate level.

Thanks to the Washington Post article, How To Talk to Kids about Haiti, that in turn directed me toPBS.org that has information on how to talk to kids at every age level at times of tragedy.

How You Can Help: Cash Donations through the Red Cross

Food and Clothing Drives in South Florida: Miami Herald

- Myra Gold, Director of Operations



Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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