Alcohol Self-Assessment Quiz - Knowing the difference between social drinking and alcohol abuse can help you get the guidance you need to protect your future
Your Body - From growing up to getting braces, popping pimples to catching some ZZZs, this section gives you the basics on your changing body - from head to toe. For teens.
Health Effects of Teen Substance Abuse - While some teenagers will “grow out” of a desire to use drugs, even brief amounts of abuse could have lasting effects on their development and physical well-being.
InteliHealth - Interactive Tools, Quizzes, and Illustrations - trainloads of information on infections, behavior & emotions, food & fitness, and growing up healthy, as well as cool games and animation
Mind over Matter - Help adolescents learn about the effects of drug abuse on the body and the brain.
Obesity - Video Discussion by teens on their fights with obesity. Quizzes, body image and eating disorders included.
On Health: Your Personal Guide to Health - Special reports and news items related to health are the focus of this site. The conditions database offers a wealth of information. Acne, AIDS, and Alzheimer's are just a few I found in the A category of their conditions database. [Web MD]
The Truth About Secondhand Smoke - if you live with someone who smokes or spend a lot of time in an environment where others are smoking, you could be damaging your health nearly as much as if you smoked yourself
Walk in My Shoes - an activity project that reaches across generations and teaches young people about growing older and the physical changes that occur with age.
site for teachers | PowerPoint show | Acrobat document | Word document | whiteboard resource | sound | video format | interactive lesson | a quiz | lesson plan | to print