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Reading Help for Parents and Children

Reading Help

Links verified on 2/2/2021

  1. Helping Children Learn about Reading - from the National Association for the Education of Young Children
  2. Helping Children with Learning Disabilities to Succeed - Learning To Read/Reading To Learn uickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
  3. Helping Students with Learning Disabilities Succeed - Teaching strategies can help students with learning disabilities improve their performance in the science classroom  An Adobe Acrobat document in .pdf format
  4. Is your child ready for Kindergarten? - The following table provides a checklist in three areas. Though your child certainly need not have mastered all of these skills by the time she enters kindergarten, she should have developed at least some of them
  5. Parental Involvement - 100 School-Home Activities for the Kindergarten level. The activities are organized by reading and literacy skills appropriate to this grade. Under each specific skill, there are varying numbers of activities to help children develop their ability to read and write. From the U.S. Department of Education. (for Kindergarten Parents) (for First Grade Parents) (for Second Grade Parents) (for third Grade Parents)
  6. Simple Things You Can Do To Help All Children Read Well and Independently by the End of the Third Grade. 
  7. Tutor Training Activities [from NWREL] - Parents, consider yourselves tutors and look at some of the activities that the North West Regional Educational Laboratory suggests. ttom right of the page.]
  8. The Compact for Reading Guide is a user-friendly handbook designed to walk your family-school compact team through the steps of building and implementing a Compact for Reading. It provides information, strategies, examples, and checklists to help parents, educators, and community members develop effective, workable compacts that can improve your school, increase family involvement, and increase student skills and achievement in reading.
  9. Early Childhood Activities - filled with helpful tips and special activities that promote reading and language skills for young children.



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