Ben and Me by Lawson, Robert
Recommended for Grade 6
(Page last edited 10/09/2017)
- Title: Ben and Me
- Author: Lawson, Robert
- ISBN: 0316517305
- ISBN 13: 978-0316517300
The true story of Ben Franklin, as told by his closest friend and advisor, Amos the mouse. According to Amos, it was really he who was responsible for Ben Franklin's inventions and discoveries. Written and illustrated with great wit and charm.
Review (From Amazon.Com):
In A New and Astonishing Life Of Benjamin Franklin As Written by His Good Mouse AMOS, young readers will discover that while the good Mr. Franklin got considerable credit, many of his most important contributions really originated with Amos, a less-than-humble rodent. Oh sure, his manuscript was found by author-editor Robert Lawson and published first in 1939, but discerning readers ever since have figured that it's the mouse who's the fellow with the ... tale. (For ages 10 and up with a sense of humor)
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