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Reference Resources on your Website or Blog

Tutorial: How to Reference Internet 4 Classrooms on your Blog or Website

Many teachers write to us for permission to share our resources to help their students learn specific skills and find resources related to specific lessons and assignments. We recommend that teachers post links to specific pages on our website that tie in with a homework assignment, school project or theme and skill practice area onto a class blog or school website. Because our content is organized by grade, subject, and topic, the specific page won't change, and we will ensure that the best resources are kept current on that page and the link will always be up to date.

Step 1: Create a blog. Go to Blogger.com and set up a free blog. If you already have a Google account, use that, or use your existing email address to sign up for a Google account. We also recommend that you use a personal email account, or set up a new specific email account for this blog, so that you are not tied to a school email address. We have found that Blogger is very simple to update and integrates easily with other websites to share resources.

INSERT Create_a_blog screenshot

Step 2: Name your blog. Try and pick a name that is relevant to you and the subject and grade that you are teaching. You set up multiple blogs for different classes and grades, if necessary, to keep your information organized.

INSERT name_your_blog screenshot



Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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