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It's Time for the Science Fair!


Science Fair Projects


Links verified 4/5/2024


  1. 32 Cool Science Experiments for Kids - they are fun and easy and might give you ideas for a science project
  2. Agricultural Ideas for Science Fair Projects - Agriculture doesn't have its own category in science fairs, but it is a part of many of the "official" categories.
  3. Building a simple spectroscope - step by step instructions using common materials
  4. California State Science Fair: Having trouble getting started with your project? Here's a collection of web sites which address just your problem
  5. Elmer's Science Fair Resources - Choosing your project | Planning your project
  6. Experimental Science Projects - from Science Buddies
  7. How to do your science fair project - a 28 page .pdf document with some really good ideas An Adobe Acrobat document in .pdf format
  8. Mapping Vampire Energy - the hidden costs of unused electricity in your home
  9. Math Projects for Science Fairs - from the Canadian Mathematical Society 
  10. Prepare For The Science Fair - [14:59] An animated introduction to the middle school science fair. Creation and production by Kevin Temmer, an International Baccalaureate graduate from Land O' Lakes High School in Florida. A video is available through this link
  11. Project Idea Index - from Science Buddies
  12. Project Ideas - links to over a thousand project ideas!
  13. Science Experiments - grades 6-8; many experiments to explore!
  14. Science Fair Adventure - project ideas
  15. Science Fair Experiments - experiments indexed by grade level, courtesy of the National Energy Education Development Project
  16. Science Fair Handbook
  17. Science Fair Ideas - ideas only, find something that interests you and have fun with it
  18. Science Fair Primer
  19. Science Fair Projects Ideas - for science fairs in high school and middle school
  20. Science Fair Project Ideas - organized by grade or subject
  21. Science Fair Projects - organized by difficulty of the project
  22. Science Fair Projects - organized by topic, each topic has links to many project ideas
  23. Science Fair Projects - This National Energy Education Development project has suggestions for primary, intermediate and secondary science fair projects
  24. Science Fair Projects - from Science Kids
  25. Science Fair Idea Exchange archive!
    1. Biology ideas
    2. Chemistry ideas
    3. Physics ideas
    4. Psychology ideas
  26. Science Fair Projects and Experiments - Topics, Ideas, Resources and Sample Projects.
  27. Science Projects for Kids - from Crystal Clear Science Fair Projects 
  28. Selah Science Projects - links to 6th and 7th grade projects from 2006 
  29. Solar Cookers
    1. The "Minimum" Solar Box Cooker - A great solar oven you can build quickly from two cardboard boxes
    2. Cook hot dogs with the Sun in minutes - how to make a powerful solar concentrator that can cook four or five hot dogs in minutes.
    3. Make a solar powered marshmallow roaster
  30. Successful Science Fair Projects - from Neuroscience for Kids
  31. You and Your Science Fair Project - For Teachers, Students, and Parents

Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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