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Connecticut Geography

Connecticut Geography

Basic Facts

  • Geographical Region: Northeast
  • Size: 5544 sq.mi., 48th rank overall.
  • Admitted to Statehood: January 9, 1788
  • Population: 3,518,288;29th rank overall.
  • Capital: Hartford
  • Other Major City: Bridgeport
  • Abbreviation: CT

Fun Facts

  • Nickname: Constitution State
  • State Flag: Click Here (opens window to 50states.com)
  • State Bird: Robin (opens window to 50states.com)
  • State Flower: Mountain Laurel (opens window to 50states.com)

Geographical Description

  • A low, flat region known as the Coastal Lowlands is found along the state's southern shore with the Atlantic Ocean.
  • Located in the northwest corner of the state is he mountainous Taconic section and Connecticut's highest point, Mt. Frissell.
  • Located in the western part of the state, the Western New England Upland, is characterized by hills, ridges and rivers gradually sloping from a height of 1,400 feet above sea level to 1,000 feet above sea level.
  • The Connecticut Valley Lowland is a 20-mile wide area in the center of the state with small rivers separated by 300-600 foot basalt ridges.
  • The Eastern New England Upland region is made up of narrow river valleys and low hills that are heavily forested in the eastern part of the state.

Map: Relief Map of CT


Military Manufacturing, Transportation equipment, machinery, electronics and electrical machinery, fabricated metal products, chemical products, scientific instruments


Vegetables, tobacco, nursery stock, eggs, apples, dairy products, cattle

Other Information

Fun Facts:

  • The first telephone book was published by the New Haven District Telephone Company in February 1878 containing fifty names.
  • The world's first nuclear powered submarine was built in Groton in 1954 called the USS Nautilus.
  • The Hartford Courant is the oldest U.S. newspaper still in circulation in Connecticut. It was established in 1764.
  • Connecticut is home to the first hamburger (1895), Polaroid camera (1934), helicopter (1939), and color television (1948).
  • Connecticut was the first to pass an automobile law setting the speed limit to 12 miles per hour.

More Fun Facts: http://www.50states.com/facts/conn.htm



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