The Teacher's Page section of a WebQuest provides additional information to any teacher who might want to use the same WebQuest in their own classroom. This page is helpful in providing data needed for lesson plans.
Suggestions for information that may be included:
Objectives and Standards
Content Area and Grade Level
Resources and References
Classroom management tips as well as where to locate non - Internet resources used in the Quest should also be placed on this page.
The Light in the Forest by Linda Good has a Teacher's Page which includes helpful items if another teacher is going to use the Quest.
Last updated on April 22, 1997 by Bernie Dodge
Building Blocks | Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Teacher's Page
Modified by Bill Byles and Susan Brooks on October, 22, 2000
with permission from Dr. Dodge.
Internet4Classrooms is a collaborative project developed by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles
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