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Links to Good Excel Information


Internet Sites with Good Excel Information

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Links verified 10/12/2021

  1. Ablebits resources
    1. Alphabetize in Excel
    2. Header and Footer
    3. Spell Check
  2. Almost Everything You Need for Using Spreadsheets in the Classroom - Excel Basic quizzes online along with illustrations of various uses of a spreadsheet for the classroom. Great links to find other Excel information on the Internet. 
  3. Better Excel Solutions - This web site contains everything you need to know about Microsoft Excel. Their stated hope is that their web site helps you to get the most from your Microsoft Office applications.
  4. Classrooms that Excel Resources - Guides, Tutorials, Applications and Lesson Plans. 
  5. DataPig Technologies Excel Training - Flash movies that guide you through many lessons on specific Excel how to topics.
  6. Developers Guide to Excelets - Dynamic and Interactive Visualization with "Javaless" Applets or Interactive Excel Spreadsheets.
  7. Digital Manipulatives - Available as movable graphics on a spreadsheet. [several workbooks to download]
  8. Excel Hero Blog - archives of previous month's entries go back to January 2010
  9. Excel In the Classroom: What's the hype? - A tutorial from Teach-Nology.
  10. Excel Internet Library - Quite a few how-to modules, from basics to advanced.
  11. Excel Practice Tests & Tutorials - interactive and 100% free
  12. Excel-lent Middle School Math Lessons! - Can a computer program motivate math students weary of "drill and kill"? Teachers all over the country use Microsoft Excel in ways that excite students about the power of math in everyday life. (A good article from Education World)
  13. To Excel in the Classroom is Elementary - An excellent resource produced by Kathy Adkins, Instructional Technology Specialist for Forsyth County Schools, GA.
  14. Excel Mojo learn and master Excel with 300+ self study guides and resources
  15. Excel Shortcuts - 333 shortcuts for windows and mac; caution: when the screen flips to a "Before you go" page just refresh the page to make that disappear
  16. Excel Tutorial - basic and advanced features of Microsoft Excel
  17. Excel Tutorials and Tests - from Tests Tests Tests
  18. Free Excel Templates
  19. Funnel Chart in Excel
  20. Import Data with Excel - Several suggested sources
  21. How to Use Excel - top ten things to learn - this page, from DeskBright, includes many screen shots to accompany the step-by-step instructions
  22. How To Use VLOOKUP Excel Formula
  23. Integrating Spreadsheets in the Classroom - Ideas and lists of links. 
  24. Introduction to Excel - a complete guide
  25. Jeopardy (i4c workbook)
  26. Keyboard shortcuts to use with MS Excel - Posted by Pearson Software Consulting Services.
  27. Master the Use of Excel
  28. Microsoft Excel: Tips and Tutorials using spreadsheets - Don't let the name fool you. There is nothing stupid about these Excel tutorials from MIStupid.com
  29. Microsoft Excel Training Tutorials - lots of topics, each includes many good images
  30. Microsoft Excel Video Tutorials - "The video will guide you through your chosen subject step by step, with clear and simple annotated instructions.
    After watching the video you can download the worksheet used in it, for immediate self-practice." No audio; written directions to read.
  31. North Canton City Schools Excel Activities - Collection of activities to download and use in your classroom. 
  32. Power Spreadsheets - very detailed and thorough (free) tutorials about Excel and Visual Basic for Applications [thanks Jorge]
  33. Readymade Spreadsheets - Several workbooks to download, includes description of what they are designed to do.
  34. Spreadsheet Daddy - Free tutorials on Excel and Google Sheets
  35. Spreadsheet Formatting Tricks
  36. Spreadsheet Resources - Standards, lessons, and resources.
  37. Technology Tutorials: Excel - Posted by the Kent Washington School District. 
  38. Top Excel Tips for Data Analysts -  Excel tips to use at each of data analysis stages
  39. Trump Excel - Excel the smart way written by a Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professional)
  40. Using Spreadsheets as an integrated part of a literature lesson - Here is an example of how spreadsheets enter into everyday literature lessons. This lesson uses Shel Silverstein's poem Hungry Mungry. 
  41. VLOOKUP; The Last Guide You'll Ever Need


Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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