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Eighth Grade Social Studies Resources


Eighth Grade Social Studies

Links verified 12/28/2015

Find links on major topics found in Eighth Grade Social Studies Curriculum. These are broad categories from the old Standardized testing format.

You can find our new Standards-based resources for 8th grade Social Studies at this link.

Eighth Grade Social Studies

Geographic Perspective
Places and Regions
    1. Using Maps in Ocean Research of Earth.
    2. Explore Spatial Patterns in your own hometown
    3. Exploring Maps of the Earth
Environment and Society
    1. Freshwater ecosystems
    2. Marine ecosystems
    3. Ecosystems, Biomes, and Habitats from the Franklin Institute Online
The World in Spatial Terms
    1. Building the Earth's Surface - online quiz
    2. Shaping the Earth's Surface - online quiz
Historical & Cultural Perspectives
Time, Continuity, Change
    1. Cherokee Nation
    2. target="_blank"Territorial Expansion of U.S. -interactive maps
    3. America Acquires an Empire
    4. Western Expansion and the War with Mexico - online quiz
    5. Events in the West - 1840-1850 - timeline
People, Places, Events
    1. Civil War Highlights
    2. American Civil War Homepage
    3. Civil War Resources
    4. Ancient and Medieval History Links
    5. Western Expansion- Tennessee - Cumberland Gap
    6. Journey of the Forty Niners -
    7. Western Expansion - activities, photos, and more
    8. Sui Wen-Ti - Chinese Emperor
    1. Feudalism - Introduction to Feudal society
    2. Christendom
    3. What caused Feudalism?
    4. Religion in Ancient Mesopotamia
    5. Ancient Religions
    6. Ancient Babylonia - Religion of the Ancient Near East
    7. Industrial Revolution- primary sources
    8. Industrialism
    9. Industrial Revolution
    10. Historical Treasure Chest - Find out about primary sources

Civic & Government Perspectives
Democratic Values and Principles
    1. Rights and responsibilities of a citizen- Quia quiz
Purposes of Government
    1. The purpose of Government
    2. The theory of Government
    3. We the People -
    4. Why do we need a government - lesson plan
Government Processes/Structures
    1. What is a representative democracy?
    1. What Responsibilities Accompany Our Rights? - lesson plan
    2. Cooperation, Community and the Common Good
    3. Public Good vs Individual Rights
    4. What are the human rights of an individual citizen?
    5. Declaration of Rights

Economic Perspectives
Production, Distribution, Consumption
    1. Oil and Water in the Middle East
    2. Drought Famine and Geographical Diversity
    3. Sustainable and Unsustainable Practices - background knowledge of what is meant by "sustainable development" practices.
Global Connections, interdependence
    1. Oligarchy
    2. Oligarchy Is Not Democracy
    3. Subsistence Economy

Other Resources
  1. Historical and Cultural Perspectives
  2. History Mystery - Play the mystery game with different historical eras.
  3. Quia History Tests - Play interactive activities on various topics.
  4. Grade 8 Social Studies resources - Jefferson County Schools
  5. Grade 8 - History Social Studies Sample Test Questions - Released test questions from California; PDF format

Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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