ACT test and SAT test: Free resources to help students practice
Links verified 4/11/2024
- A Comparison of the ACT & SAT - an infographic
- ACT Test Preparation - Daily diagnostic quizzes. Our list of 5000 ACT Vocabulary words is broken down into "easy-to-learn" daily lists and quizzes.
- ACT Prep for College-Bound Students - navigating the testing process with online help and expert advice
- ACT Math Question of the Day - Use the calendar to select one of the following topics: Algebra, Intermediate Algebra, Plane Geometry, Coordinate Geometry, and Trigonometry. Once the problem is on the screen, right click the problem for a step by step explanation.
- ACT Practice Exam - online practice from (use with caution, when I tried the science section the questions were not in the ACT format)
- ACT Practice Test - math, english, reading, science, and Pre-ACT practice tests
- ACT vs SAT: Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Right Test - to help students decide between the ACT and the SAT
- Online Test Page - Free online tests for ACT and SAT
- Reading Passages - Read the passage and answer the questions
- SAT/ACT Math Reasoning -
- SAT and ACT - what's the difference and how to prepare for both exams
- Study Blue - flashcards for everyone
- Test Prep Courses
- Test Prep Review is a free service of a group of educators. This web site was created to provide free practice test questions for students in a variety of career situations. The site contains a modular approach to learning the content on these exams.
- Top 50 Strategies for ACT Test Day - Use this review to check your test readiness and make sure you're prepared to do your best
- Vocab Ahead - Vocabulary videos and flash cards. Can create own lists and incorporate them into a quiz and/or flash cards.
- Vocabulary Builder Flashcards -FREE downloadable and printable flashcards online from InsideStory
- Writing Practice
- ACT Sample Essays - Sample essays with scoring explanations included.
- Educator Guide to ACT Writing Test - From the ACT site, how student essays are scored, how you can use results from the Writing Test to help your students improve their writing,and discover ways to integrate preparation for the Writing Test into your Language Arts curriculum. [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
- 5 SAT Prep Hacks for 2019
- 8 Strategies to Nail the SAT Essay -Preparing yourself for what to expect can make all the difference.
- ACT vs SAT: Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Right Test - to help students decide between the ACT and the SAT
- How to Prepare for the SAT - take the SAT with confidence by using these tip
- SAT and ACT - what's the difference and how to prepare for both exams
- SAT: Basic Information and Helpful Preparation Resources - from EduBirdie
- SAT Prep Guide for High School & College Students - getting ready for the writing & language, reading, essay & math sections
- SAT Test Preparation - Daily diagnostic quizzes. Our list of 5000 SAT test vocabulary words is broken down into "easy-to-learn" daily lists and quizzes.
- Official SAT Practice Test from the College Board web site - Sign in or register to access your free practice test. (registration is free)
- Online Test Page - - Free online tests for ACT and SAT
- SAT/ACT Math Reasoning
- SAT Practice Test - online practice from
- SAT Vocabulary Enrichment - - Each Quiz picks 10 questions from a fifty word list and you can hear the word spoken, allowing you to not only learn its definition, but how its pronounced.
- SAT Vocabulary Practice - - online quizzes
- SAT Vocabulary Quiz - Each quiz presents a word, followed by multiple-choice answers to identify its correct meaning
- SAT Vocabulary Word List - the 100 most important words you must know
- Ten Tips for a Higher SAT Score - - suggestions from a professional SAT coach
- Test Prep Review - a free service of a group of educators. This web site was created to provide free practice test questions for students in a variety of career situations. The site contains a modular approach to learning the content on these exams.
- Top 50 SAT Strategies for Test Day - strategies that can help you on test day to best prepare yourself mentally and physically, and ultimately help you get your best score
- The Ultimate SAT Prep Resources Guide - ultimate guide to finding the best sat help
- Union Test Prep - This site provides free practice tests, flashcards, and other study aids for standardized tests such as the SAT.
- Vocab Ahead - Vocabulary videos and flash cards. Can create own lists and incorporate them into a quiz and/or flash cards.
- Vocabulary Builder Flashcards -FREE downloadable and printable flashcards online from InsideStory
- Vocabulary practice for Sentence Completion, Analogies, and more .
- Vocabulary - 100 most common SAT words - online quiz
- Vocabulary Tests - online practice from Vocaboly.
SAT Test 2016
- SAT (New Version) Exam - from 4Tests
- A Few Sample SAT Questions From the New Exam - The College Board released on Wednesday sample questions showing the biggest changes to the SAT college admissions test in a decade. The draft questions are intended to give the public a sampling of the changes for the spring 2016 exam, giving high school students time to prepare for changes like an optional essay, limited use of a calculator, and no more "obscure" vocabulary words.
- New SAT Practice: For the Redesigned 2016 SAT -
- Official SAT Practice - Khan Academy; must register first.
- 8 New SAT Sample Questions - from U.S. News
- Redesigned SAT Practice Tests - from CollegeReadiness College Board
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