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Resources for Technical Career Classes

Resources for Technical Career Classes

Agriculture Agriculture lesson plans, science fair resources, and a variety of university or governmental agricultural resources
Auto Technology Auto safety, auto repair and service, recall information and even gas saving tips
Business Education Career resources, business law, economics, Wall Street and business education lesson plans
Cosmetology Make over, cosmetics and cosmetology lesson plans
Family & Consumer Sciences Kitchen related resources such as nutrition, food safety, and food preparation as well as design and textiles
General A variety of recources related to career and technical instruction in secondary school
Health Sciences Human anatomy and physiology, emergency medical, and health sciences lesson plans
Information Technology Computer history and science, IT lesson plans plus a variety of typing resources
Legal Services Consumer law, legal studies and even several fingerprinting resources
Lesson Plans Links to several large databases of lesson plans
Life Skills Life skills information, lesson plans and even a video
Marketing marketing, retailing, merchandising, selling, advertising, and management
Metal/Wood OSHA, occupational outlook, how to sites and lesson plans



Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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