Character Education
Anger Management | Bullying | Conflict Resolution
Links Verified 2/2/2021
Anger Management
- Elementary School:
- Anger Management Strategies - strategies to help students deal with anger
- Controlling Anger - These activities go along with a video that can be bought at the site, but they can also be used as a stand-alone activity. - K-5 grades
- Get Your Angries Out! - Color sheet with tips on how to control anger [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
Helping Young Children Deal with Anger - article with suggestions and ideas.
- Monkey Has a Problem - Whole Class activity to learn anger management. Many activities to select and discuss. Click on the characters to see how they behave.- Primary grades
- Rules for Fighting Fair - Color sheet with tips on dealing with anger [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
- Time To Cool Down - Color sheet with tips on dealing with anger. Story to go along with handout. DinoPals - Time to Cool Down [These expired links are available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the pages don't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
- Middle/ High School:
- Anger - Q and A about anger and how to deal with it.
Anger Management for Teens - 12 Calm Down and Get a Grip Anger Management Tips for Teens
- Dealing with Anger - The Fire Inside - " When we get to know our anger? what causes it, how we react to it? and then learn how to manage it, it's a chance to get to know ourselves a little better and improve our relationships with other people" [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
- Managing Anger - lesson plan is designed to teach anger management and conflict resolution through the "I-Message" communication technique and other group activities. High School (use the Realplayer videos; they are separated into the categories of discussion.)
- Youth Violence Prevention - articles, fact sheets, and a report on a comprehensive review of violence on a global scale
Bullying & Cyberbullying:
- 51 Critical Cyber Bullying Statistics
- Bullies - Lesson unit; grades 2-5 from PBS. "These activities will immerse learners in situations that give them practice in resolving conflicts with a bully and help them to think critically about logical resolutions."
- Bullying and Substance Abuse - who it affects and why
- Bullying and Teasing Resources - from Education World
- Bullying Prevention - a guide for parents
- Caught in the Middle: A Cyberbullying Tale - This educational storybook dives into the dangers of cyberbullying and how friends can step up and stop cyberbullying
- Cyberbullying Information Sheet -
- Cyberbullying information for educators - From Stop CyberBullying
- Dealing with Bullies - Bullying is a big deal. Here are ways to deal with it.
- Dealing with Online Bullies - Lesson plan with worksheets included.
- Don't Suffer in Silence - "This web site is intended to show pupils, their families and teachers how to tackle a problem that has gone on for far too long."
- Guide To Understanding Bullying In The Modern Age - Bullying can cause serious physical, emotional and mental negative effects for the short term, but these effects can also last a lifetime
- How Can I Help My Child Deal With a Bully? - What can I do to help my child who is being bullied?
- How Parents Can Help Prevent Bullying
- How To Report Bullying - What is the difference between Tattling and Reporting Bullying?
- Netsmartz - an interactive, educational safety resource from the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children? (NCMEC) and Boys & Girls Clubs of America (BGCA)
- PACERs Bullying Prevention Center - Bullying resources for parents and kids/teens.
- The Recess Queen - grades K-2 Lesson Plan ; Bullying on the playground
- StopBullying.Gov - For parents, children, and educators: Learn the warning signs, get resources on who to contact, and find out what you can do.
- Stop Bullying Now - activities and ideas on changing environments that are conducive to bullying and promoting healthier behaviors for young people
- Tattling vs Telling - grade plan for grades 4-5
- Understanding the Impact of Bullying - the short- and long-term effects of bullying on students
- You TattleTale!! - How to deal with tattling vs bullying
Character Building:
- How to Be Confident: - The Complete Guide
- To Cheat or Not To Cheat - online game; Choose your way through the day and find out what happens when you do or don't play by school rules!
- Class Rules (Responsible Personal Conduct) - Develop classroom rules so that we can operate in a democratic and efficient manner
- The Six Pillars of Character - The Foundation of Character
- Teaching Kids About Gratefulness - 11 simple but effective ways to teach mindfulness to kids
Conflict Resolution:
- The Art of Compromise - One page PDF file giving samples of how to compromise
- Conflict Resolution - Resources to help students learn to deal with conflict
- Practicing conflict resolution - Lesson plan grades 1-8
- Solving Minor Problems - Lesson plan with worksheet; grades 2-5; four steps to solve minor problems with others.
- Talk It Out Together - Lesson plan grades K-5
- introduce the conflict solving skills to young students.
- What About Fighting? - Lesson plan grades 3-8
- understand negative and positive aspect in problem solving.
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