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General ESL Resources

General ESL Resources

Links verified 5/16/2022

(Caution! Many of these sites support their free service with pop-up ads)

  1. 6 Minute Vocabulary - BBC podcats to build your English vocabulary
  2. 100 Common English Phrases and Sentence Patterns (With Dialogue) – phrases and patterns, said as basic units to help you to make much more correct sentences in English
  3. Activities for ESL Students - multiple links with activities and exercises.
  4. Becoming an ESL Teacher in Texas -
  5. BookBox - audio-visual stories, ages 2 to Pre-Teen; web-based jukebox of digital books. Hear the books read in a multitude of languages. Individual words can be followed in a number of languages also. You do have to register but it is free registration. The site offers downloads of the stories for a fee, but the online books are free. This resource includes voice instructions for students
  6. British Council Learn English Kids - free online games, songs, stories and activities for children
  7. British Council Learn English Teens - learn English while having fun
  8. Business English - Each week learn a new business jargon phrase. From Open English World
  9. Children's Storybooks Online - illustrated children's stories for kids of all ages
  10. Colorin Colorado - a bilingual site for educators and families of English language learners
  11. Conversation Worksheets from the English Club - promoting English fluency by presenting students with stimulating discussion questions
  12. Dave's ESL Cafe Idea Cookbook - There are currently 806 recipes (ideas) in 25 categories in this cookbook.
  13. English as a Second Language Learning Materials: Free and Handy - lots of materials for learning English grammar and vocabulary
  14. English as a Second Language - resources for students
  15. English as a Second Language (ESL) for Teachers and Students - resources to help take you to the next level
  16. English Grammar Quizzes Using JavaScript - Over 1,000 activities for ESL Students; project of The Internet TESL Journal
  17. English Grammar The Easy Way - comprehensive collection of brief grammar explanations for students. A great site for concise support.
  18. English Listening Language Lab - Listen to the stories or phrases and select the correct answer. Many activities. Great for listening skills! This resource includes voice instructions for students
  19. Englishpage.com - Free online English lessons & ESL / EFL resources; some intrusive banner ads, but they have good resources.
  20. English Speak - This page contains a list of all the lessons in the program. Each lesson is based on a real world conversation..This resource includes voice instructions for students
  21. English Study Materials and Worksheets - scroll down to find free resources
  22. English Tools - 25 free tools for learning English
  23. English Worksheets - worksheets to help improve your vocabulary and understanding of English
  24. ESL Activity Zone - get lesson plan ideas here! A lesson plan can be found at this site
  25. ESL Authority - 58 Free TEFL and ESL Worksheets You Can Use Today
  26. ESL Cafe has a large list of Online English Courses. You might also look through the list of the other 75 topics on the ESL Cafe index page.
  27. ESL Blues - main index
  28. ESL Cafe has a large list of Online English Courses. You might also look through the list of the other 75 topics on the ESL Cafe index page.
  29. ESL Cafe Help Center - receive help from ESL/EFL teachers from around the world 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Don't be shy - ask a question! Afterwards, an ESL/EFL Teacher will try to quickly post an answer onto this page.
  30. ESL/ELL Resources to Succeed in School - helping English language learners excel in school and beyond
  31. ESL Flashcards - many to choose from
  32. ESL Galaxy - Free teaching materials for ESL, EFL teachers and students, lesson plans on PowerPoint, kids' worksheets, flash cards, phonetics videos, self-study videos, crosswords, word search, games, etc.
  33. ESL Games, Activities, Projects and Conversation Ideas - free, fun, interactive and easy to implement
  34. ESL go - Help students learn English with lessons, activities and quizzes.
  35. ESL Lab - Listening exercises and quizzes. Listen to the conversation and answer the corresponding questions. Your score is immediately tabulated. Note : An Audio Player is needed for this site. This resource includes voice instructions for students
  36. ESL Lesson Plans for Teachers - free lesson plans in .pdf format with answers and teacher's notes
  37. ESL Resources for Classroom Teachers - a guide for future and current educators
  38. ESL Teacher Resources - Links to ESL sites. Scroll down to the ESL list.
  39. ESL Tower - video lessons to develop vocabulary and practice listening and pronunciation This resource includes voice instructions for students A video is available through this link
  40. Family Involvement Storybook - Tomasito's Mother Comes to School. " This bilingual storybook about family involvement at school is designed to engage children and their families. For educators, the printable online storybook is an easy-to-use family involvement tool that supports literacy"
  41. Fast Phonics - lessons can be heard by clicking on speakers and highlighted words
  42. Find Writing Inspiration - writing tools and essay examples to help you get started writing
  43. Flag Pictures - information about every country and everything related to it
  44. Foreign Languages for Travelers - Choose the language you speak and the language you want to know, then select from the following menus: Basic Words, Numbers, Shopping/Dining, Travel, Directions, Places, Time and Dates. You will also find a dictionary for translating specific words. The strength of this site is that you can hear the words pronounced.This resource includes voice instructions for students
  45. Free Dictionary - many features, all free
  46. Idioms - the largest idiom dictionary
  47. Idioms - English Idiom of the Week - From Open English World - Learn a new idiom each week. Conversation done orally to listen to idiom. This resource includes voice instructions for students
  48. Interactive Games for ESL - Have fun and improve your English by playing our matching games online; opposites, synonyms, general phrases and more.
  49. Internet4Classrooms Interactive Sites for Learning English - Activities to use in Computer Lab to help Spanish-speaking students learn English.
  50. Larry Ferlazzo - "All these sections are specifically designed to assist adults and children who are learning English as their second language" This resource includes voice instructions for students
  51. Learn English Feel Good - ESL site with free English grammar exercises and vocabulary quizzes, downloadable grammar handouts, videos, lists of American idioms and phrasal verbs, and more
  52. Learn to Speak English - free grammar lessons and English idioms
  53. Learning English - BBC has been inspiring language learning since 1943
    1. Father and Son - ten episodes of a new crime drama; watch a video and complete activities to learn English
  54. Many Things - interesting things for ESL students
  55. Marie Nuzzi's List of Valuable ESL Resources - Here are many sites with an abundance of ESL information for teachers and students.
  56. My Picture Dictionary - Pictures to help students recognize names of objects around them. This resource includes voice instructions for students
  57. My Spanish Picture Dictionary - a new online resource to learn Spanish (or English) - Each word in the dictionary has an English-Spanish translation and a photograph of the item.
  58. One Look Dictionary Search - over a thousand dictionaries indexed to search
  59. Oxford Practice Grammar - basic, intermediate and advanced levels of practice are available
  60. PBS English Language Arts - ELA resources for students  in all grades
  61. PBS Teachers - Bring the world to your classroom
  62. Pequenet - Spanish language site for little ones - stories, activities and more
  63. Primary Themes in Spanish - From Enchanted Learning.
  64. Real English - Free Online ESL lessons - This site requires a username and password. Both are available free.
  65. Self-Study Quizzes for ESL Students - A Very Large Collection of Quizzes for Students of English as a Second Language
  66. Spanish to English-Basic Vocabulary - Spanish to English Translation Games
  67. Talk English - This section is created for English speaking beginners who need help to understand the basics of speaking English. We will use very simple phrases and expressions to help you with your English speaking.This resource includes voice instructions for students
  68. Teaching with the Web - This is a compilation of ideas for using WWW resources as a language teaching tool. Some of the areas offered are: web activities, language specific activities and teaching resources.
  69. The 101 Best Websites For ESL Students in 2016 - helpful list of the 101 best websites for ESL students.
  70. Vocabulary Exercises - Clothes, Appliances, School, Office and more.
  71. Voice of America - read, listem, and learn
  72. Writing 101 - writing as a way to practice English skills
  73. Writing Explained - learn English for free
A resource for the teacher to use in planning their lessons site for teachers | A PowerPoint show related to this standard PowerPoint show | An Adobe Acrobat document in .pdf format Acrobat document | A Microsoft Word document to be downloaded Word document | This interactive site would work well on an interactive whiteboard whiteboard resource | This resource includes voice instructions for students sound | A video is available through this link video format | This site is interactive and allows students to play a game or input or collect data interactive lesson | This site includes questions for your students to check their understanding a quiz | A lesson plan can be found at this site lesson plan | This link includes something for the teacher to print to print



Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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