ADHD - Teaching Resources
Links verified 6/20/2021
- Behavior and Social Skills - Information for teachers on how to manage classroom behavior and promote positive social skills.
- Classroom Accommodations - The benefits of accommodations within the physical and learning environments of the classroom for children with ADHD.
- More tips for classroom modifications.Recommendations to help with organizational and attentional problems
- Classroom Rules That Work - Teaching strategies that anticipate the needs of children with ADHD and learning disabilities, and boost learning for all students.
- Creating Behavioral Plans - A useful classroom management tool for students engaging in inappropriate classroom behavior.
- Managing the Classroom - Behavioral management system to use with students that have ADHD.
- More Classroom Tips for Teachers - A checklist to use in the classroom to help students with ADHD.
- Natural Over-The-Counter ADHD Substitutes - 12 best Adderall alternatives
- Resources for Teachers - Articles and resources to help with the special nature of students with ADHD.
- Teaching Strategies for Students with ADHD - Suggestions and strategies to use when working with students who have ADHD.
- Suggested Classroom Interventions - Practical suggestions that can be used in the regular classroom, as well as the special education classroom, to assist students with ADHD and learning disabilities.
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