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ADHD: Teaching Resources

ADHD - Teaching Resources

Links verified 6/20/2021


  1. Behavior and Social Skills - Information for teachers on how to manage classroom behavior and promote positive social skills.
  2. Classroom Accommodations - The benefits of accommodations within the physical and learning environments of the classroom for children with ADHD.
  3. More tips for classroom modifications.Recommendations to help with organizational and attentional problems
  4. Classroom Rules That Work - Teaching strategies that anticipate the needs of children with ADHD and learning disabilities, and boost learning for all students.
  5. Creating Behavioral Plans - A useful classroom management tool for students engaging in inappropriate classroom behavior.
  6. Managing the Classroom - Behavioral management system to use with students that have ADHD.
  7. More Classroom Tips for Teachers - A checklist to use in the classroom to help students with ADHD.
  8. Natural Over-The-Counter ADHD Substitutes - 12 best Adderall alternatives
  9. Resources for Teachers - Articles and resources to help with the special nature of students with ADHD.
  10. Teaching Strategies for Students with ADHD - Suggestions and strategies to use when working with students who have ADHD.
  11. Suggested Classroom Interventions - Practical suggestions that can be used in the regular classroom, as well as the special education classroom, to assist students with ADHD and learning disabilities.




Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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