ASD - Independent Living Skills Resources
Links verified 1/27/2022
- Advocating for Students on the Autism Spectrum - this guide discusses issues surrounding the education of students on the autism spectrum, including the rights and responsibilities of parties involved
- ASD Social Skills - A list of websites on pragmatic/social skills, identifying emotions/feelings, social stories, and more.
- Autism Resource Center
- Autism Speaks: Dental Guide Booklet - For some children with autism, oral health habits can be challenging. This is a guide aimed at providing information to families to help begin a lifetime of good oral care.
- Career Guide for People With Disabilities
- Cerebral Palsy and Special Education - an overview
- Communication Skills - Lots of free activities and printables to help enhance conversational skills.
- Creating a Home Where Your Child Can Thrive With a Disability - tips to make modifying a home easier
- Daily Living Skills - Printable cards to help promote daily living skills. Cards include areas of personal care, doctor's visits, home and school, personal safety, and more.
- Disaster Safety and Assistive Technology: Protection for Seniors and the Disabled - timing is everything during an emergency, and you need to buy them as much time as possible to react independently
- Employment Skills - Lesson plan starters for teaching skills one would need on a job.
- Fitting Fitness into the ASD Household - Fitness programs to consider for young people with autism to be successful both in the short- and long-term.
- Guide to Brushing Teeth - Free poster with a clear sequence of pictures showing how to brush teeth.
- Home Solutions to Cope with Sensory Processing Issues and Sensitivities - a list of tips to be aware of and help alleviate symptoms at home
- How Autism Spectrum Disorder Gravely Affects Sleep - for people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), sleeping soundly is elusive
- How to Create an Accessible Backyard
- How Nurses Can Support Children With Autism During Medical Visits
- Hygiene Charts - Free printable hygiene behavior charts.
- Hygiene Help for Children/Teens with ASD - This video offers teachers and parents specific suggestions for improving hygiene.
- Keeping ... Special Needs Children Safe Around Construction - safety precautions that seniors, disabled adults, and their caregivers should take anytime they are traveling in or around a construction site or roadway work zone
- Morning and Evening Routine Charts - Free printable charts.
- Personal Hygiene Teaching Resources for Special Needs Students - pick the specific aspect of personal hygiene you want to focus on and the option to specify the particular format of resources that will be most helpful
- Reminder Strips -Helpful reminders on how to do a particular sequence.
- Rental Housing Rights for Disabled Tenants - disabled tenants and prospective tenants with a disability have the right to apply for and live in a rental unit regardless of their impairment
- Smart Kids with Learning Disabilities - learn from the families of those who have gone before you
- Social Behavior - Lots of free activities and printables on understanding social rules and nuances, recognizing emotions, and more.
- Social Emotional Skills - Activities and worksheets designed to enhance perspective-taking skills and expand emotional vocabulary.
- Special Needs Teacher Resources - curriculum strategies and classroom management for students with different learning needs
- Teaching Important Life Skills - Tips and ideas to teach your child independent living skills.
- Tips for Teaching Your Autistic Child Personal Hygiene - Some children experience sensory issues related to sounds and textures of tools used for personal hygiene, thus preventing them from caring for themselves. Here is a list of tips to help them develop these skills.
- Tips to Declutter and Organize Your Home for Seniors and Individuals with Special Needs - some simple decluttering and organizing can help ensure your home remains a comfortable place
- Toilet Training - Guide to special needs toilet training
- The Ultimate Guide to Helping Children With Autism Sleep Soundly at Night - 40 to 80 percent of people on the autism spectrum struggle to sleep
- Your Guide to Finding Credible Medical Information and Advice - use available online health information to remain educated and informed about health risks and healthy lifestyle behaviors
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