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Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

ASD - Independent Living Skills Resources


Links verified 1/27/2022


  1. Advocating for Students on the Autism Spectrum - this guide discusses issues surrounding the education of students on the autism spectrum, including the rights and responsibilities of parties involved
  2. ASD Social Skills - A list of websites on pragmatic/social skills, identifying emotions/feelings, social stories, and more. 
  3. Autism Resource Center
  4. Autism Speaks: Dental Guide Booklet - For some children with autism, oral health habits can be challenging. This is a guide aimed at providing information to families to help begin a lifetime of good oral care.
  5. Career Guide for People With Disabilities
  6. Cerebral Palsy and Special Education - an overview
  7. Communication Skills - Lots of free activities and printables to help enhance conversational skills.
  8. Creating a Home Where Your Child Can Thrive With a Disability - tips to make modifying a home easier
  9. Daily Living Skills - Printable cards to help promote daily living skills. Cards include areas of personal care, doctor's visits, home and school, personal safety, and more.
  10. Disaster Safety and Assistive Technology: Protection for Seniors and the Disabled - timing is everything during an emergency, and you need to buy them as much time as possible to react independently
  11. Employment Skills - Lesson plan starters for teaching skills one would need on a job.
  12. Fitting Fitness into the ASD Household - Fitness programs to consider for young people with autism to be successful both in the short- and long-term.
  13. Guide to Brushing Teeth - Free poster with a clear sequence of pictures showing how to brush teeth. 
  14. Home Solutions to Cope with Sensory Processing Issues and Sensitivities - a list of tips to be aware of and help alleviate symptoms at home
  15. How Autism Spectrum Disorder Gravely Affects Sleep - for people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), sleeping soundly is elusive
  16. How to Create an Accessible Backyard
  17. How Nurses Can Support Children With Autism During Medical Visits
  18. Hygiene Charts - Free printable hygiene behavior charts.
  19. Hygiene Help for Children/Teens with ASD - This video offers teachers and parents specific suggestions for improving hygiene.
  20. Keeping ... Special Needs Children Safe Around Construction - safety precautions that seniors, disabled adults, and their caregivers should take anytime they are traveling in or around a construction site or roadway work zone
  21. Morning and Evening Routine Charts - Free printable charts.
  22. Personal Hygiene Teaching Resources for Special Needs Students - pick the specific aspect of personal hygiene you want to focus on and the option to specify the particular format of resources that will be most helpful
  23. Reminder Strips -Helpful reminders on how to do a particular sequence.
  24. Rental Housing Rights for Disabled Tenants - disabled tenants and prospective tenants with a disability have the right to apply for and live in a rental unit regardless of their impairment
  25. Smart Kids with Learning Disabilities - learn from the families of those who have gone before you
  26. Social Behavior - Lots of free activities and printables on understanding social rules and nuances, recognizing emotions, and more.
  27. Social Emotional Skills - Activities and worksheets designed to enhance perspective-taking skills and expand emotional vocabulary.
  28. Special Needs Teacher Resources - curriculum strategies and classroom management for students with different learning needs
  29. Teaching Important Life Skills - Tips and ideas to teach your child independent living skills.
  30. Tips for Teaching Your Autistic Child Personal Hygiene - Some children experience sensory issues related to sounds and textures of tools used for personal hygiene, thus preventing them from caring for themselves. Here is a list of tips to help them develop these skills.
  31. Tips to Declutter and Organize Your Home for Seniors and Individuals with Special Needs - some simple decluttering and organizing can help ensure your home remains a comfortable place
  32. Toilet Training - Guide to special needs toilet training
  33. The Ultimate Guide to Helping Children With Autism Sleep Soundly at Night - 40 to 80 percent of people on the autism spectrum struggle to sleep
  34. Your Guide to Finding Credible Medical Information and Advice - use available online health information to remain educated and informed about health risks and healthy lifestyle behaviors



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