Dyslexia - Signs, Symptoms, Behaviors
Links verified 5/2/2021
- 37 Common Characteristics of Dyslexia - Most people with dyslexia will exhibit about 10 of the 37 traits listed.
- Clues to Dyslexia - How to identify and understand typical behaviors of dyslexia.
- Dyslexia and Behavioral Difficulties - Common behavioral issues that can manifest with dyslexia.
- Dyslexia Symptoms and Signs - Information on how to recognize dyslexia.
- Identifying Dyslexia - Numerous examples of how a person with dyslexia might read and how to identify a student that may have dyslexia.
- Is It Dyslexia? - Informal assessment with 41 questions. No download or personal information necessary. After taking the assessment a detailed interpretation of the score is provided.
- Social and Emotional Problems Related to Dyslexia - Behaviors that a person with dyslexia may experience.
- Types of Dyslexia - Provides a taxonomy of the most commonly recognized and discussed types of dyslexia.
- Understanding Dyslexia - A view of what it's like to have dyslexia: causes, dealing, and coping.
- What is Dyslexia? - Information on how dyslexia is diagnosed and treatment options available.
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