Dyslexia - Parent Resources
Links verified 5/2/2021
- Apps for Dyslexia and Learning Disabilities - Huge list of apps with many of them free.
- Assistive Technology for Dyslexic Students and Adults - A list of helpful weblinks and apps that are available for free or a low cost.
- Dyslexia Online Magazine - Numerous articles and other helpful information for parents.
- Dyslexia Treatment - A site for parents by parents on methods, tricks, tips, and hints that others have found helpful.
- Getting Help for Children with Dyslexia - How to get your child tested and what you should do with the results.
- Helping with Homework - Some considerations for parents to help create a "dyslexia friendly" environment for doing homework.
- Identifying Whether Your Child Has Dyslexia - Provides 8 steps of what you should look for in a child that may have dyslexia.
- How to Get Help - Information on how to get tested, tutoring that works, classroom and on-the-job accommodations, technology tools, common myths, and more.
- Parent Handbook - Tips for parents of children who are dyslexic from Lovejoy Independent School District.
- Resource to Support Students with Dyslexia - to help teachers and parents understand dyslexia and how these children learn effectively
- Software and Assistive Technology - A number of computer programs and tools to help dyslexics.
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