Gifted - Teaching Resources
Links verified 6/21/2021
- 50 Resources for Parents and Teachers - Selection of resources that offer advice, information, support, and educational resources to help you support and encourage the gifted child's special abilities.
- Classroom Resources for Gifted/Talented & Enrichment - Units of study for gifted and talented students - variety of learning experiences that challenge, engage, allow for choice, are self-directed, literature-based, problem-based and that are connected and integrated in meaningful ways.
- Engaging Gifted and Talented Students - 5 tips to help teachers provide a challenging curriculum.
- Games and Puzzles for Students - Three activities for gifted and talented youth ages 5-17.
- Hoagies' Gifted Education Page - The "all-things gifted page" full of resources, articles, books and link to help and support parents, teachers, and gifted children alike.
- Hoagies' Kids & Teens Links - The "all things gifted page" of links for kids.
- How to Spot a Gifted Student - Common characteristics to look for in a gifted student.
- Lesson Plans and Activities - A variety of resources for teachers of gifted students.
- Meeting the Need of Gifted Students in the Regular Classroom - Suggestions that will help you develop a classroom environment that will challenge and nurture gifted learners. [
- Mensa for Kids: Resources for Parents and Teachers - Lesson plans and activities for teachers and parents.
- Modifying Regular Classroom Curriculum for Gifted and Talented Students - Addresses the challenges of meeting the needs of students with high-ability.
- Teaching Gifted and Talented Students - Lesson plans and resources for the gifted and talented
- Strategies for Empowering Students - The purpose of each activity is to address the holistic approach to teaching. The focus concentrates on blending the affective, conative, and cognitive domains in an integrative and cohesive manner.
- Teacher Resources - Units/lesson plans that are good for gifted and high ability students.
- Tips for Teaching the Gifted and Talented - 11 tips for teachers to help encourage gifted students.
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