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Gifted Children: Teaching Resources

Gifted - Teaching Resources

Links verified 6/21/2021

  1. 50 Resources for Parents and Teachers - Selection of resources that offer advice, information, support, and educational resources to help you support and encourage the gifted child's special abilities.
  2. Classroom Resources for Gifted/Talented & Enrichment - Units of study for gifted and talented students - variety of learning experiences that challenge, engage, allow for choice, are self-directed, literature-based, problem-based and that are connected and integrated in meaningful ways. 
  3. Engaging Gifted and Talented Students - 5 tips to help teachers provide a challenging curriculum.
  4. Games and Puzzles for Students - Three activities for gifted and talented youth ages 5-17.
  5. Hoagies' Gifted Education Page - The "all-things gifted page" full of resources, articles, books and link to help and support parents, teachers, and gifted children alike.
  6. Hoagies' Kids & Teens Links - The "all things gifted page" of links for kids.
  7. How to Spot a Gifted Student - Common characteristics to look for in a gifted student.
  8. Lesson Plans and Activities - A variety of resources for teachers of gifted students. 
  9. Meeting the Need of Gifted Students in the Regular Classroom - Suggestions that will help you develop a classroom environment that will challenge and nurture gifted learners. [
  10. Mensa for Kids: Resources for Parents and Teachers - Lesson plans and activities for teachers and parents.
  11. Modifying Regular Classroom Curriculum for Gifted and Talented Students - Addresses the challenges of meeting the needs of students with high-ability. 
  12. Teaching Gifted and Talented Students - Lesson plans and resources for the gifted and talented
  13. Strategies for Empowering Students - The purpose of each activity is to address the holistic approach to teaching. The focus concentrates on blending the affective, conative, and cognitive domains in an integrative and cohesive manner.
  14. Teacher Resources - Units/lesson plans that are good for gifted and high ability students. 
  15. Tips for Teaching the Gifted and Talented - 11 tips for teachers to help encourage gifted students.




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