Gifted - Parent Resources
Links verified 5/2/2021
- 12 Most Important Issues for Parents of Gifted Children - Article with helpful information on parents supporting their gifted child.
- 50 Resources for Parents and Teachers - Selection of resources that offer advice, information, support, and educational resources to help you support and encourage the gifted child's special abilities.
- ABCs of Gifted - Information about gifted education that will put you on the right road to being an advocate for your child.
- Characteristics of the Gifted Child - From Hoagies' Gifted Education Page. A variety of resources on the unique characteristics of a gifted and talented child.
- Characteristic of Giftedness - How many of these descriptors fit your child?
- Games and Puzzles for Students - Three activities for gifted and talented youths ages 5-17.
- Gifted Kids' Bill of Rights - Children have rights to behave as children, even if they are gifted.
- Gifted Education Mandates, by State or Province - Which U.S. states and other countries have gifted education mandates? Which mandate IEP's for our gifted children?
- Helping Adolescents Adjust to Giftedness - How to assist young people to "own" and develop their talents.
- Hoagies' Gifted Education Page - The "all-things gifted page" full of resources, articles, books and link to help and support parents, teachers, and gifted children alike.
- Hoagies' Kids & Teens Links - The "all things gifted page" of links for kids.
- Hoagies' Parenting Gifted Children - Offers numerous resources and links for parents.
- Intellectually Gifted and Talented Youth - Resources on understanding and working with gifted students.
- Is Your Child Gifted? - "Is your child bright, or truly gifted? Learn the difference and find activities and games to challenge her mind, and tips and resources to keep her centered."
- Kidsource Calendar with Gifted Children in Mind - Calendar of ideas to use for children who are gifted.
- Motivate Underachieving Gifted Students - Strategies to help your child find school more meaningful.
- Parent Resources - From the National Association for Gifted Children.
- Tips for Parents of Gifted Children - Resources for nurturing the gifted child, including activities for kids.
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