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Gifted Children: Parent Resources

Gifted - Parent Resources

Links verified 5/2/2021

  1. 12 Most Important Issues for Parents of Gifted Children - Article with helpful information on parents supporting their gifted child.
  2. 50 Resources for Parents and Teachers - Selection of resources that offer advice, information, support, and educational resources to help you support and encourage the gifted child's special abilities.
  3. ABCs of Gifted - Information about gifted education that will put you on the right road to being an advocate for your child.
  4. Characteristics of the Gifted Child - From Hoagies' Gifted Education Page. A variety of resources on the unique characteristics of a gifted and talented child.
  5. Characteristic of Giftedness - How many of these descriptors fit your child? 
  6. Games and Puzzles for Students - Three activities for gifted and talented youths ages 5-17.
  7. Gifted Kids' Bill of Rights - Children have rights to behave as children, even if they are gifted.
  8. Gifted Education Mandates, by State or Province - Which U.S. states and other countries have gifted education mandates? Which mandate IEP's for our gifted children?
  9. Helping Adolescents Adjust to Giftedness - How to assist young people to "own" and develop their talents.
  10. Hoagies' Gifted Education Page - The "all-things gifted page" full of resources, articles, books and link to help and support parents, teachers, and gifted children alike.
  11. Hoagies' Kids & Teens Links - The "all things gifted page" of links for kids.
  12. Hoagies' Parenting Gifted Children - Offers numerous resources and links for parents.
  13. Intellectually Gifted and Talented Youth - Resources on understanding and working with gifted students.
  14. Is Your Child Gifted? - "Is your child bright, or truly gifted? Learn the difference and find activities and games to challenge her mind, and tips and resources to keep her centered."
  15. Kidsource Calendar with Gifted Children in Mind - Calendar of ideas to use for children who are gifted. 
  16. Motivate Underachieving Gifted Students - Strategies to help your child find school more meaningful. 
  17. Parent Resources - From the National Association for Gifted Children.
  18. Tips for Parents of Gifted Children - Resources for nurturing the gifted child, including activities for kids.




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