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Auditory Processing Disorder

Auditory Processing Disorder

Links verified 1/2/14

  1. 18 Auditory Processing Activities - Free activities to help enhance auditory processing.
  2. A Guide for Parents - From the Hearing Loss Clinic.
  3. Activities to Enhance Auditory Processing - 8 games to play with children.
  4. Auditory Processing Disorder - The signs and symptoms to look for and how parents can help.
  5. Auditory Processing Disorder: By Age Group - Describes common difficulties at different ages and modifications that can be made.
  6. Central Auditory Processing Disorder - What is it and how it can be managed.
  7. Classroom Management Strategies - Interventions to help students be successful.
  8. Classroom Strategies - Helpful handout of strategies to use with students.
  9. Do You Hear What They Hear? - Where to go for help for an Auditory Processing Disorder.
  10. Help Your Student with an Auditory Processing Disorder - Helping students know what to do with what they hear.
  11. Interactive Games - Online games to help enhance auditory processing.
  12. Parenting a Child with an Auditory Processing Disorder - Information on diagnosing, treating, and raising a child with this disorder.
  13. Tips for Teachers - Suggestions for successful management of students with Central Auditory Processing Disorder.



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